
EFC Ottawa media studio invites rentals

09 May 2024
Originally published in Canada Watch as "EFC media studio turns on the lights"

en français

Every Friday morning, Brian Lopez, EFC video content producer and studio manager, turns on the lights in the new EFC media studio in Ottawa and prepares the space for the arrival of Shoaib Ebadi of Square One World Media.

Ebadi is the studio’s first regular client. Square One World Media is an EFC affiliate. Ebadi connects with his team in Winnipeg and together they host a live evangelistic television show that makes its way across the world.

“Media and digital world are advancing rapidly,” reflects Ebadi. “Are we [evangelical Christians] ready to adopt new technology and to use it for the Kingdom of God around the world and in very restricted countries like Afghanistan? Thanks to the EFC for supporting and helping us to achieve that goal.”

This is music to the ears of EFC President David Gurezki, who first had the idea of creating affordable, accessible media studio spaces that EFC affiliates could rent at below-market rates to make it easier for them to produce excellent material on the kinds of budgets typical for most churches and ministries.

Lopez is also pleased to have the studio begin to open its doors to affiliates. “I’m excited about the opportunity it gives the EFC to expand the medium of communication and do it at a high level. It gives us a chance to be creative, informative and inspiring,” he says. “We had an open house recently at the office and people shared that it was great we had a space like this. There was excitement about what could be and how it could be used.”

You can read more about the studio spaces in Ottawa and Toronto and the possibilities for use at