After his resurrection, Jesus gave his followers the Great Commission: to make disciples, and to baptize and teach them (Mat. 28:18-20). He established the church to be the primary community of witness to a watching world.
Jesus prayed for unity among his followers (John 17:11) and for them to be known by their love. We work out our common calling and service together, as salt and light to those around us.
We live out our beliefs, worshipping God, sharing our faith, teaching, and doing the good works God has prepared for us to do. We seek to understand the beliefs of our neighbours and the dynamics of the society in which God has placed us, and to bear witness about the wisdom of God’s word and the redemption offered in the person of Jesus.
We work together to seek the common good, alongside those who share similar goals, believing God calls us to share the blessings we receive from him with everyone in our neighbourhoods, our country and the world.
Our faith calls us to be stewards of creation, to seek reconciliation, to uphold the sanctity of life and to care for the vulnerable.