

Christians are called to actively seek the good of those around us and our country (Jeremiah 29:5-6). Our participation as individuals in discussions about public policy and politics, like our engagement in all of life and community, is part of our witness.

New! Check out our Civic Engagement Kit (revised March 2022).
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Related Themes


Religious freedom of Christian hospitals

EFC Senior Ambassador Bruce Clemenger discusses modelling Christian ethics in the...

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Evangelicals live among us

Who are Evangelicals and why should we find common ground?

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Official statements

The EFC urges Canadians to love neighbours in wake of hate crimes

As police forces report increased hate crimes in Canadian cities with the largest...

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Pray for our political leaders on October 6

Join us in a day of prayer for our leaders in all levels of government.

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How to be Christian and the same time

​Religious people are not very popular when it comes to politics. Our guest John...

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Religion and Tolerance in Canada: A Big Sigh of Relief

​Are Christians really so intolerant? Dr. Sam Reimer is a sociology professor at...

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Outgoing letters

Election Congratulations to the Prime Minister

EFC President Bruce Clemenger sent a letter of congratulation after the federal...

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Asking Elections Canada to change the election date

Together with Jewish leaders, the EFC asks to reschedule the next fixed election date...

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What churches can and cannot do during elections

How can churches be active during an election and still follow the rules that guide non...

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Election Tip: Questions to Consider During an Election

Deina Warren from the Canadian Council of Christian Charities shares some questions for...

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Submission on Proposed Calgary Bylaw Banning Conversion Therapy

Submission of the EFC to a Calgary committee on proposed bylaw banning conversion therapy

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Brief on COVID-19 to the Finance Committee

The EFC submitted recommendations in May 2020 to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance regarding the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

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Civic Engagement Kit

Why get involved with social issues? Tips for contacting/meeting an MP. How a bill becomes law. And more. Revised March 2022

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Trousse d'engagement civique

Pourquoi s’impliquer dans les questions sociales ? Conseils pour contacter les députés. Et plus. Revisé en Mars 2021

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