
Care for the Vulnerable

God calls us to care for those who are vulnerable. To love our neighbour is the second greatest commandment, after loving God. Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan teaches that our neighbour is anyone who is in need.
In both the Old and New Testaments, the people of Israel and followers of Jesus were commanded to care for the foreigner, the widow, the orphan and the poor. Another parable tells us that when we serve those who are sick, in prison or poor -- the vulnerable in our society -- we are serving Christ (Matthew 25:34-36).
Canada’s social assistance programs and universally available healthcare reflect a care for the vulnerable. This is also evident in refugee settlement and overseas development aid.


Reproductive & Genetic Technologies

New ways to treat illness and infertility are the goal of many reproductive and genetic technologies. However, there is a risk that vulnerable people may be exploited, such as infertile couples...


As Christians, we are called to love God and to love our neighbours as ourselves. Loving God requires that we trust in him to provide, in his time, everything we need for our lives. Loving our...


People often enter into prostitution as a last resort. Prostitution treats people as sexual property that can be bought and sold, and violates human dignity. Prostitution is exploitation, and a...

Palliative Care

Palliative Care alleviates suffering and offers care for those who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and those who are at the end of life. It manages pain and symptoms, and offers...

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery in which a person is exploited through forced labour or forced prostitution, by threats of violence, use of force, deception or coercion. Human...


A refugee is a person who has fled their country because of persecution, war or violence. Jesus’ early days on earth were as a refugee, after his parents fled to Egypt to escape Herod. In...

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

Canada has legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide, known as medical assistance in dying (MAiD), under certain circumstances. These practices deliberately and intentionally cause a person’s...


Abuse violates human dignity and can have devastating, life-long impacts. Abuse is mistreatment of or violence toward a person. It can take many forms, such as physical, sexual, psychological or...


> Latest booklets for download: Action Kit (Feb. 2021). Study guideHow Porn Harms (rev. 2019). <Today’s mainstream pornography depicts violent, abusive and degrading sexual activity. It...

Poverty and Homelessness

Poverty and homelessness are complex issues that defy a single, simple solution. Those who are poor and without housing are among the most vulnerable among us. These issues are complex on societal,...


Through no fault of their own, thousands of children and youth are in government care and in need of a permanent home and family. It’s estimated that 30,000 children in government care are...


Family is the primary source of support for many Canadians, and families are a foundational part of Canadian society. Yet many families feel the weight of a number of economic, social and...

Centre for Faith and Public Life

CFPL staff work in offices that are a five-minute walk from Parliament Hill in Ottawa. They interact with government and the courts on issues of concern and encourage positive action by citizens...