
Canada Watch

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The EFC supports religious expression

Bills that address hate/violence shouldn't stifle good faith religious expression. EFC media studio. Public letter on Ukraine. And more.

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Sanctuary from euthanasia

MAiD-free space in health care. Call for action on Russia-Ukraine war. YA magazine is digital-only. Partnership and Innovation update.

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Why must Canada reverse MAiD for mental illness?

Reasons to cancel MAiD for mental illness. EFC research helps churches. New EFC team members. EFC studios available in Ottawa, Scarborough. More.

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Celebrating a legal win and remaining vigilant

Celebrating an Ontario court decision that found Canada’s prostitution laws to be constitutional. Also: concerns with the Canada Summer Jobs program.

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The EFC leads campaign to stop MAiD for mental illness

The EFC has launched Before It’s Too Late, an awareness and action campaign to stop the expansion of euthanasia.

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What success in Ottawa looks like for the EFC

What success in Ottawa looks like for the EFC. New research project on digital and social media. More

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