
What we do

Five areas of focus energize all that we do.

Church and Mission

We work together with a broad base of denominations, churches, and ministry organizations in Canada to do joint research, to strategize how better to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, to partner together in mission, and to seek the common good of people in our neighbourhoods, across Canada, and around the world. The EFC also represents an evangelical voice in various interreligious contexts and dialogues. Finally, we seek to encourage, inspire and equip Christians in Canada through publications and resources. [More...]

Care for the Vulnerable

God calls us to care for those who are vulnerable. In this regard, the EFC partners with other like-minded churches, denominations and organizations that are engaged in caring for those experiencing poverty and homelessness, for immigrants and refugees, for those being trafficked in the sex trade, and for persecuted religious minorities around the world. Moreover, we speak to public policy issues and parliamentary committees when issues on vulnerable peoples come up. [More...]

Sanctity of Life

We understand that all humans are created in God’s image in order to enjoy special fellowship with God throughout their entire life. From conception to natural death, we seek to defend human life and to advocate for those whose lives are threatened. We speak to matters of abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide, commercial surrogacy, and positively we seek to support initiatives on pregnancy care, palliative care, and rights of terminally ill people. [More...]

Family & Community

We recognize that God has instituted marriage and family as God’s basic building block of human society. We are convinced healthy marriages and families contribute to wellness in community life, something valued not only by the church but broadly by Canadians. Here the EFC has long stood for the biblical definition of marriage as the lifelong union between one man and one woman, and we’ve sought to bring biblical principles on matters of sexuality and the right of families to instruct and raise their children accordingly. Moreover, we advocate for practices of adoption and fostering to support children without forever homes. [More...]

Religious Freedom

The EFC has long been a voice and advocate for matters of religious freedom. We believe living out our religious beliefs includes the freedom to gather together to worship God, to do good works and to pass on our faith to others. Religious freedom means the ability not only to hold religious beliefs but to live them out without fear of legal reprisal or discrimination.

The EFC has a long record of public engagement both in our parliamentary and judicial systems. We meet with officials on matters of public policy we believe infringe on religious freedom, and when necessary intervene on critical cases being heard in the courts. In this regard, the EFC has intervened before provincial and federal courts more than 60 times, including more than 30 interventions before the Supreme Court of Canada. [More...]