What is the significance of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision (June 15) on the proposed law school at Trinity Western University? How does it impact religious freedom and the future of education in Christian schools in Canada? Our expert guests will open by sharing their thoughts, and then we will field your questions live.

Guests: Bruce J. Clemenger is president of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Albertos Polizogopoulos is legal co-counsel for the EFC in this case. Justin Cooper is executive director of Christian Higher Education Canada.
Watch a recording of this discussion of the Supreme Court's disappointing decision from June 27, 2018. This webinar lasts one hour. You can see all our recorded webinars and find out about upcoming ones at www.TheEFC.ca/Webinars. You can find all our latest links and resources on the TWU case at TheEFC.ca/TWUlaw.