
Building bridges with your member of Parliament

09 July 2024

The harassment that members of Parliament face, including death threats and vandalism, is on the rise. Two months ago the House of Commons sergeant-at-arms reported that cases rose from 8 in 2019 to 530 in 2023.

Threats are becoming increasingly common – MPs are followed on the streets, filmed in stores and have their offices vandalized. One Parliament Hill staffer describes answering the phone and having angry Canadians yell at her about the decisions the MP had made and call for the MP’s death or mutilation.

What would it look like for Christians to stand in stark contrast to these threats, truly loving our neighbours as we love ourselves?

One way we love our neighbours is by building bridges – and relationships - with those of the same and differing political views. That includes our elected representatives. This summer, we encourage you to pray for your local elected representatives and reach out to make a personal connection with them.

As MPs are out in their constituencies this summer, we encourage you to make a positive connection apart from an issue of concern. Thank your MP for serving in public office, even if you don’t agree with their party’s policies.

We want MPs to hear encouragement from Canada’s Christian community to seek the best for our country. We want them to see Christ’s light in us.

As Christians, God calls us to be His hands and feet here in the world, striving for justice. In doing this, we are called to be faithful witnesses to Christ, engaging, interacting and loving our neighbours, and doing all this with grace and truth.

Whether it’s at a summer event, at a BBQ hosted by your MP, or if they knock on your door, take the time to encourage your MP.

As well, before you speak, post or press ‘send’, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Am I saying something constructive?
  • Would I speak to a friend this way?
  • Am I representing Christ well?

Christians are called to pray and intercede for government leaders and all those in authority. The Apostle Paul writes, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). Set a goal to pray for your MP daily or weekly.

A suggested prayer for your MP

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for Canada. This summer, we pray for the leaders of our country.

We pray for their safety – protect them and their families, mentally and physically.

We pray for rest – may our Members of Parliament spend time resting. May they know the true rest that you bring.

We pray that you will equip the leaders and kings of this earth to govern well, to enact laws and policies that bring peace and justice. We pray that you would give them wisdom, strength and courage. Strengthen them with integrity and character.

Please continue to raise up people who love and follow you in every sphere, including public leaders who love you and their neighbours. We pray that in a world that is filled with hate, your followers would be known by our love, salt and light, shining in the darkness.

As we interact with our Members of Parliament this summer, grant us grace, wisdom and favour, through your son Jesus Christ.

In Jesus’ name, we pray,


Related resources

  • Find your MP’s contact information at If you want to mail something, no stamps are required! Consider sending a card and saying, “Thank you for your service.”
  • For more tips on how and why we engage with elected officials, see the EFC’s Civic Engagement Kit.
  • Feel free to save the graphic of the suggested prayer above (on most browsers you can right-click and select save image)
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