AMAC is a newer affiliate of the EFC and shares a report of its anniversary by way of introduction.
The Armenian Missionary Association of Canada (AMAC), founded on March 27, 1982, is joyfully celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2024. With hearts full of gratitude, we give thanks to God for His enduring blessings and guidance throughout our journey.
To commemorate this special milestone, the organization is planning several events. The first one took place on July 20, 2024, in Gananoque, Ont., where 170 AMAC friends and members from Ontario and Quebec gathered for a full day of worship, fellowship, fun, a business meeting and celebration.
The celebratory event took place in the afternoon and was emceed by Salpi Nercessian. Following her brief opening remarks, Vanda Aintablian elevated the audience's spirits with a moving performance of the hymn of gratitude, “Asdvadz Im Yerp Hokis Nayi,” fostering a profound sense of thankfulness to God for AMAC.
Salpi Nercessian then provided a brief account of AMAC's founding. “The AMAC was conceived on May 29, 1982, during a historic meeting at the Armenian Evangelical Church of Toronto, attended by representatives from the four Armenian Evangelical Churches in Canada, along with the executive director and field director of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA),” she recounted. “The founders of this great organization were noble and visionary men and women dedicated to uplifting their counterparts both here and abroad in the name of Christ.”
Two AMAC founding members took the audience on a trip down memory lane as they shared their reflections on the organization's founding. Mr. Mihran Jizmejian, with tears in his eyes, spoke about the organization's impact over the years, stating, “AMAC has faithfully fulfilled its mission over the past 40 years, uplifting many and giving hope to the hopeless.” Mr. Hagop Basmadjian reflected on the challenges of the early years and how they were overcome, noting, “The Armenian earthquake of 1984 was a turning point.”
Professional saxophonist Karno Simonian, accompanied by pianist Raffi Shnorhokian, uplifted the audience with their captivating performances of the praise hymns “How Great Thou Art” and “Let’s Give Glory with Hearts of Gratitude,” inspiring a profound spirit of praise to God.
Harout Nercessian, AMAA representative in Canada and AMAC board member, delivered a presentation on AMAC-supported programs. He cited Psalm 113:7, which speaks of God's purpose to "raise the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash heap." He emphasized that AMAC embodies this divine mission by reaching out to "widows, orphans, the poor and the marginalized."
He raises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
he seats them with princes,
with the princes of his people. - Psalm 113:7-8
During his presentation, he highlighted two remarkable schools from his recent trip to Lebanon. The Shamlian Tatigian School in Beirut stands out for its commitment to providing quality education to children from low-income families, offering them a pathway to a brighter future. Meanwhile, the Armenian Evangelical Secondary School of Ainjar educates nearly 200 children, with over half being natives of Ainjar, the only Armenian village outside of Armenia. This school also features a boarding facility that houses 83 children from destitute and often dysfunctional families. Remarkably, 90% of these children arrive with significant psychological and educational challenges. The school's dedicated professionals surround them with Christian love and provide the essential support needed to help them gradually overcome their emotional barriers.
Nercessian concluded his remarks with a powerful image of a Christian giving bread to Jesus. He said, "In helping these little children, each of us is helping Jesus."
Salpi Nercessian delivered the closing remarks, making a heartfelt appeal to AMAC members and friends. She urged them to compassionately and generously partner with AMAC in its mission to uplift the disadvantaged in the name of Christ.
The AMAC 40th birthday cake was brought in with the audience singing “Happy birthday” to AMAC. Board members and founding members joined hands to cut the cake which was later savoured by the audience.
The event concluded with a special prayer of thanksgiving for AMAC, delivered by guest speaker Rev. Avedis Boynerian, who also invoked God's blessings on AMAC for the coming years.
As the celebration drew to a close, the sense of unity and purpose among AMAC members and friends was palpable. The 40th anniversary not only marked a significant milestone but also reaffirmed the organization's unwavering commitment to its mission. With renewed vigour and faith, AMAC looks forward to continuing its journey, inspired by the enduring support of its community and the divine guidance that has led it thus far. Together, members stand ready to face the future, dedicated to uplifting the disadvantaged and spreading the message of hope and love in the name of Christ.

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Harout Nercessian