A week of nationwide conversations through the
Our Common Calling Online Forum is scheduled to take place from January 24 to 29. Christians will join virtually from various parts of the Church in Canada to consider how others are innovating and explore together how God is leading us in areas such as:
- Christian hospitality and the opportunity to become a welcome church
- Faith at work collaboration
- Scattered but gathered (the “diaspora” in Canada)
- Collaborating inter-culturally: A nice idea or what God intends?
- Understanding Indigenous realities
- Applying these topics to my context.
You’re welcome to participate in any or all of the conversations. This year, there is a different component to the Forum: Zoom gatherings, each 1.5 hours in length, will be held in relation to each of the conversations. This will enable participants in the online discussion to come together to reflect on outcomes and envision next steps.
Register soon at www.ourcommoncalling.ca.