
Helping Haiti after the earthquake and other disaster responses

20 August 2021
Many Canadian international relief and development organizations are affiliated with the EFC. How can we find out what they are doing overseas? How can we support their work?

If your church belongs to a larger denomination, you may already have a connection to a group that is helping. That's worth looking into for sure. Many charities doing relief work are part of the Canadian Christian Relief and Development Association. It has a great member map of the world where you can click on a country to see which CCRDA members are doing work in a particular country. Another good place to start is with the Humanitarian Coaltion, which is a group of 12 international aid agencies based in Canada that work together. Three of the members are EFC affiliates: World Vision, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Canadian Lutheran World Relief. Another way to start is to search for terms like "Haiti earthquake" at, which is a search engine that tries to survey the websites of our affiliate organizations. It's not working perfectly, but it's still a good place to start. You should find results like these: Another good idea to remember is that, while disaster responses are urgent, one of the best ways to contribute is donating to long-term development and donating repeatedly over time.
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