
Ask your MP to support advancing religion as a charitable purpose

05 March 2025
Ask your Member of Parliament to support advancing religion as a charitable purpose. 
Contact your MP in more than one way for even greater impact, for example, by calling and writing. Even a voicemail message left at your MP’s office has an impact. Signing petitions also brings this issue to your MP’s attention. Personal communications are most effective.

How to reach your MP

  • Go to and click on "Find Members of Parliament"
  • Enter your postal code, then click on your MP's name
  • Look under the “Contact” tab for their phone number and email address
  • Written mail may be sent postage-free to your MP at the following address:
    [ Name of Member of Parliament, MP ]
    House of Commons
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Some key points you can use

  • The House of Commons finance committee recommended that in the next budget, the government should “Amend the Income Tax Act to provide a definition of a charity which would remove the privileged status of “advancement of religion” as a charitable purpose.” (recommendation 430)
  • The Finance Minister is not required to adopt the recommendation, but it is significant that a parliamentary committee has made it.
  • More than 30,000 charitable organizations fall under the advancement of religion, roughly 42% of the charitable sector.
  • This change, if adopted, would have a far-reaching and devastating impact – on religious charities, the people they serve and Canadian society.
  • Religious communities help provide a purpose for living and hope for the future, foster social cohesion, provide community support and spark local volunteerism.
  • This is a time to encourage the presence and participation of religious charities – which foster hope, mutual support and belonging – rather than taking steps to destabilize them.

Sample email or letter 

Dear MP ______,

Thank you for your work in our community. I am writing about the finance committee’s recommendation to remove advancing religion as a charitable purpose. I think it’s important to keep charitable status for religious charities. Religious charities benefit our communities in so many ways. Removing charitable status would be a blow to religious charities, to the people they serve and to Canadian society.

I’d like you to oppose the finance committee’s recommendation and to support keeping advancing religion as a charitable purpose. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you.

[ Your Name ]
[ Your Postal Code ]

Sample phone conversation or voicemail

Hello, my name is______ and I live in MP _____’s riding. I am calling about the charitable status of religious organizations. I’ve heard about the finance committee recommendation to remove advancing religious as a charitable purpose. I think religious charities benefit our community and removing charitable status would have a negative impact on all of us. I would like MP _____ to oppose this recommendation. Thank you for your time and service to our community. I look forward to hearing back from your office.

Petition to collect signatures

  • Print and gather signatures on a petition to support charitable status. Minimum 25 names are needed. Send completed petition to your local MP. (PDF or Docx)

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