

Podcast: All Things Reconciled

How do Christians and the Church respond to the call of Jesus to join God in peacemaking and reconciliation work around the world? This podcast by the Peace and Reconciliation Network of the World Evangelical Alliance features Canadian cohosts who dialogue with community peacemakers, drawing out practical tips and insights from reconciliation work around the world.

Jeanette-BohmPhil-WaglerCo-host Phil Wagler of Kelowna, B.C., is global director for the PRN and global liaison for the EFC. He also works with PRN director for Canada Joel Zantingh on a blog at

Co-host Jeanette Böhm is a PRN associate, a licensed worker at The Alliance (C&MA Canada) and an apprentice with its New Ventures program, developing a holistic approach to living on mission while exploring reconciliation-based discipleship. She lives in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont.


"Haven't Got The Hong Kong Out of Me!" - Being Displaced & Reconciled

​Joel Zantingh of PRN Canada and Phil Wagler, PRN Global Director chat with CY Yan about the experience of being displaced, the role of diaspora peoples throughout the world as ambassadors of reconciliation, and the opportunities and challenges Christian communities have to embrace the stranger and heal the nations.


Make Peace Famous: Stardom, Suffering, Singleness, Marriage & the Way of Jesus in Nepal

​Thir Koirala, PRN Asia Regional Coordinator, and his wife, acclaimed Nepali recording artist Anju Panta, join Phil Wagler to discuss their journey to Christ from high caste Hinduism and fame, through broken marriages and singleness, toward one another and a posture of peacemaking servanthood toward all peoples. 


The Business of Shalom: Christian Entrepreneurship and the Common Good

​Brett Wellman is building a real estate company that will expand the shalom of God everywhere. Phil Wagler, PRN Global Director, explores this vision with Brett and they discuss the intersection of business, joyful discipleship, being part of the work of God's Kingdom, and inspiring all the gifts of God's people for a vision worth working for.

African Coups & the Church: Do Christians Make Peace or Make Things Worse?

Political coups are epidemic today in Africa with disrupting impact on nations and peoples. How are Africa's Christians responding? What is needed from the Church? And, what do we all need to learn as we think about being socially engaged disciples wherever we are? Martin Kapenda (Zambia/PRN Africa) and Joseph Nyamutera (Rwanda/WEA Migration and Refugee Network) join Phil Wagler to discuss these challenging realities.

Can Canadian Churches be Centres of Reconciliation?

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has helpfully put "reconciliation" on the radar of Canadians. But, what if reconciliation is more comprehensive and what if every Canadian church was a center of God's vision for a reconciled world? Joel Zantingh, PRN Canadian Coordinator, sits down with PRN Global Director, Phil Wagler, to explore all this. 


Bombs, Building, & Bibles: The Church as Ambassador of the Prince of Peace in the Philippines

Dr. Aldrin Penamora and other Philippine evangelical leaders and their churches were transformational agents in bringing peace to the Philippines when inter-ethnic violence in the region of Mindanao shattered society. Their courageous and practical following in the ways of Jesus are making an everyday difference.

Can Ukrainians and Russians Reconcile?

Are the deep wounds being caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine creating fractures beyond repair? What is the way to healing and reconciliation? Gary Timmerman and George de Vuyst of Resonate Global Mission reflect on these questions based on their experience in both countries and the work of addressing deep wounds between peoples that appear beyond repair.


War in Israel & Being The Family of God

As the war in Israel continues into its fourth month, All Things Reconciled is joined from Jerusalem by Salim Munayer (PRN Middle East North Africa Regional Coordinator) with fresh insights, laments, and a call to Christians to consider more deeply what it means to be God's family in a world torn apart.

Potlucks of Peace in Afghanistan

Luke grew up in Afghanistan, endured the tumultuous political journey of his country, and then came to know Jesus. He now serves the Afghan House Church Network and helps Afghan Christians, so traumatized and beset by years of suffering, find a new future through the power of reconciliation.