
Ask your MP to support charitable status

05 March 2025
Ask your Member of Parliament to support advancing religion as a charitable purpose. 

Some key points you can use

  • The House of Commons finance committee recommended that in the next budget, the government should “Amend the Income Tax Act to provide a definition of a charity which would remove the privileged status of “advancement of religion” as a charitable purpose.” (recommendation 430)
  • The Finance Minister is not required to adopt the recommendation, but it is significant that a parliamentary committee has made it.
  • More than 30,000 charitable organizations fall under the advancement of religion, roughly 42% of the charitable sector.
  • This change, if adopted, would have a far-reaching and devastating impact – on religious charities, the people they serve and Canadian society.
  • Religious communities help provide a purpose for living and hope for the future, foster social cohesion, provide community support and spark local volunteerism.
  • This is a time to encourage the presence and participation of religious charities – which foster hope, mutual support and belonging – rather than taking steps to destabilize them.

How to reach your MP

  • Click on "Find Members of Parliament" on
  • Enter your postal code, then click on your MP's name
  • Look under the “Contact” tab for their phone number and email address
  • Letters and petitions may be sent postage-free to your MP at the following address:
    [ Name of Member of Parliament, MP ]
    House of Commons
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Contact your MP in more than one way for even greater impact, for example, by calling and writing. Even a voicemail message left at your MP’s office has an impact. Signing petitions also brings this issue to your MP’s attention. Personal communications are most effective.

Sample email or letter 

Dear MP ______,

Thank you for your work in our community. I am writing about the finance committee’s recommendation to remove advancing religion as a charitable purpose. I think it’s important to keep charitable status for religious charities. Religious charities benefit our communities in so many ways. Removing charitable status would be a blow to religious charities, to the people they serve and to Canadian society.

I’d like you to oppose the finance committee’s recommendation and to support keeping advancing religion as a charitable purpose. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you.

[ Your Name ]
[ Your Postal Code ]

Sample phone conversation or voicemail

Hello, my name is______ and I live in MP _____’s riding. I am calling about the charitable status of religious organizations. I’ve heard about the finance committee recommendation to remove advancing religion as a charitable purpose. I think religious charities benefit our community and removing charitable status would have a negative impact on all of us. I would like MP _____ to oppose this recommendation. Thank you for your time and service to our community. I look forward to hearing back from your office.

Petition to collect signatures

  • Print and gather signatures on a petition to support charitable status. Minimum 25 names are needed. Send completed petition to your local MP. (PDF or Docx)

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