

Want to encourage deeper, biblically informed engagement with a social issue? Need a guest speaker for a worship service, fundraising dinner, study group or public event? Want to help your group learn more about trends in society or church ministry? The EFC has a wide range of experts available to educate, facilitate, preach and teach.

EFC Speakers - EFC Speaker Looking At EFC Event Audience

EFC Speakers

Browse our bureau of speakers and read the biographies. Some have hi-res pictures for downloading for use on events posters. Our president is...

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EFC List of Topics - EFC Speakers Topics

List of topics

EFC speakers are able to speak on a wide range of topics from an evangelical perspective. Here are our most popular speaking topics.Abortion, Fetal...

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Book a Speaker - Crowd at EFC Event

Book a speaker

To request a speaker by submitting the form below.To partner with EFC for impactful events to reach a wider audience! Contact Angie Li at events...

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