Speaking Topics:
Sheldon is the EFC's Regional Director, Atlantic Canada. He is available to speak to congregations, or at special events. He’s pleased to bring either a short update regarding the EFC ministry, or a biblical message which would include information on the EFC ministry.
Sheldon has worked for over twenty years in the areas of transition and transformation in organizational and individual lives. As an executive leader in pastoral and para-church ministry, as well as in public and private higher education, Sheldon has successfully brought his relaxed service and relationship based leadership approach to significant organizational change, coaching and culture.
Speaking on topics such as Navigating a Post-Christian Culture in Canada, Renegotiating Faith in Young Adults, Reaching University Students, the Power of Belonging, and more, Sheldon is a regular speaker at conferences, churches, campuses, and seminars. He consults regularly with churches, universities and colleges, not-for-profit organizations and individuals in the areas of strategic planning, leadership development, student life, enrolment and growth development, faith and life integration, next-generational ministry, spiritual formation, organizational effectiveness and personal development.
Sheldon is a certified coach, teacher, trainer and speaker with The John Maxwell Team, has served in pastoral and parachurch leadership roles in the Maritime district of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and in senior roles at the University of New Brunswick and Crandall University. He also serves as an associate consultant with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and as a university lecturer in vision and leadership, worldview, and biblical literature.
Sheldon is an ordained minister, holds an honours degree in theology, a graduate degree in faith-based leadership, and has been accepted into doctoral studies in ministry. He has also been awarded an honorary doctorate for his leadership and service within post-secondary and the church, and is the recipient of the AARAO Leadership and Service Award for his post-secondary leadership.
Sheldon is a family man whose three children provide a source of rich blessing and humour. He loves working with children, youth and students, is a contagious storyteller and tells poorly executed dad jokes with ease. You can visit his personal website at www.jsmacleod.ca.
Sheldon loves helping leaders, churches and ministries think strategically about transformation and transition and would love to see how the EFC can serve you.