
It's good to take a break from tech

05 March 2018



It's good to take a break from tech

Dead to Distraction

by Carolyn Arends (Jan/Feb 2018)

I had just flown into Santa Barbara and met up with several colleagues for a working dinner. While others placed their orders with the waiter, our president Chris Hall and I both pulled out our smart phones for a quick email check. I noticed a positive response on a logistical matter we’d been concerned about, so I exclaimed, "Oh, good!" Unfortunately, it wasn’t until a nanosecond after I spoke that I registered what Chris, lost in his own email reverie, had said a nanosecond before I spoke: "Oh no, my friend has passed away."

Carolyn Arends ( is a recording artist, author and director of education for Renovaré. Find more of these columns at