
Argentina - An epic of faith. A dispatch by Brian Stiller.

03 November 2017
Argentina - An epic of faith. A dispatch by Brian Stiller.

Dispatches from Brian Stiller

If you think you have grasped the history of Argentina by seeing Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Evita, or having heard “Don’t cry for me, Argentina,” at least do a Google search. The roller-coaster story of politics and economics in this eighth- largest country in the world is like few others. Named because of its rich silver deposits, today the country is rich in potential wealth, resilient, proud in spirit, and wild in its political/military swings. Argentina’s spiritual resurgence has often been obscured by its more colorful and tragic public stories of infighting, hidden deaths, corruption, and economic inversions.

One can picture today’s global church in its contemporary format by seeing here the Protestant church – at least within a Charismatic or neo-Pentecostal form – in its variegating shades.

Read the full dispatch