
2018 EFC annual report

07 January 2019
2018 EFC annual report

Audio-only version of this six-minute video from Nov. 23, 2018.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada presents:
The 2018 EFC Year in Review


David Guretzki: 
What a year it's been we're so grateful for all the support from you our affiliates donors and friends. It's been a year of challenges new initiatives and changing times but through it all we've appreciated the abundance of prayer and financial backing for what we do.... Be encouraged, God is on the move.

Bruce Clemenger: 
Part of the role the EFC is to engage in Canadian courts on a variety of issues where we seek to bring the application of biblical principles to contemporary issues before the courts. That includes religious freedom and this spring we had two decisions coming to the Supreme Court on on the issue of religious freedom.

Julia Beazley: 
Every week we track new developments in government bills and policies and consultations and in the range of issues we engage in. In all of this, we seek to bring biblical principles to bear on current issues often this means making a written submission or appearing before a parliamentary or Senate committee or contacting and meeting with MPs or Senators. So this fall, we appeared before the Justice Committee on Bill C-75.,-obstructin

Karen Stiller:
...we've just celebrated our one-year anniversary of the EFC podcast we're using that medium to interview people to tell stories about Canadian evangelicals and the issues that impact us all. So if you haven't listened to the podcast yet please go check it out we think you'll enjoy it.

Joel Gordon:
Last year, Love Is Moving increased EFC's engagement with youth and young adults through community generated content. This year, we also launched a leader section in the magazine called the flip side and this part of the magazine is designed for youth leaders so that they can be encouraged and provide a place for them to share their stories and their best practices with each other.

Aileen Van Ginkel:
It's been a busy year for networking and collaboration. Twice we gathered denominational staff who are equipping congregations to engage in indigenous relations in their communities. We also recognize that language can be a barrier to collaboration we gathered about thirty-five people to talk about our common calling and the languages mission.

Rick Hiemstra:
I'm at the University of Ottawa which is just a few minutes walk from the EFC's Ottawa office which is a perfect place to talk to you about our new renegotiating Faith Research looking at the transition of young adults from high school to the next phase in life we did this partnership with power to change students InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Truth Matters Ministries, Youth for Christ and of course The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. We've been busy this year finishing up research with surveys and of course the release of our renegotiating faith report in July.

Bruce Clemenger:
As you can see it's been a full year at The Evangelical Fellowship in Canada. We thank you for your prayers and for your support as together we unite Evangelicals to bless Canada in the name of Jesus.