
Sample Communications for Bill S-210

03 September 2024
Ask your MP to protect kids online and support Bill S-210. Write or call your MP. Even a voicemail message left at your MP’s office has an impact. Contact your MP in more than one way for even greater impact, for example, by calling and writing.

Follow these simple steps to reach your Member of Parliament (MP):

  • Go to "Find Members of Parliament"
  • Enter your postal code
  • Click on your MPs name
  • Look under the “Contact” tab for your MP's phone number and email address
  • For writing, mail may be sent postage-free to your MP at the following address:
[Name of Member of Parliament]
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0A6
Some key points you can use: 
  • Bill S-210: An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit materials will make it a criminal offence to make sexually explicit material available, for commercial purposes, to minors online.
  • For more than 60% of youth aged 11 to 13 years of age, their first viewing of pornography was accidental.
  • Much of the content easily available on pornography platforms features violent, degrading and abusive behaviour. We must protect Canadian minors from these harms.
  • The online harms bill (Bill C-63) doesn’t require platforms to put meaningful age assurance in place to ensure viewers are over 18. This essential protection for kids is missing from Bill C-63.
  • Many countries are requiring age assurance to increase the safety for young people online. It is time for Canada to catch-up.

A sample e-mail or letter to personalize:

Dear MP ______,

Thank you for your work in our community. I am really concerned about protecting kids from the negative effects of viewing violent and degrading pornography online. Even mainstream pornography today has violent, abusive and degrading content. This content is freely and easily accessible to children and youth online, and they are seeing it at increasingly younger ages.

Bill-S-210 would help protect minors from accessing this harmful content online. It puts in place needed protection for kids and teens that is missing from Bill C-63, the online harms bill.

Please protect Canadian children and youth and vote for Bill S-210. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Thank you,

Your Name
Your Postal Code

A sample phone conversation or voicemail to personalize:  

Hello, my name is______ and I live in MP ____’s riding. I am really concerned about protecting kids online. I have recently been made aware of Bill S-210 and how it will protect Canadian children from online harms in ways that other bills don’t. I am in favour of this policy passing and I would like to know if MP____ is voting in favour of this Bill. Thank you for your time and service to our community. I look forward to hearing back from you or your office.