
Bill C-27 (1996): Child prostitution in Canada and overseas child sex tourism

26 November 1996
(November 1996) The EFC expresses concern for vulnerable youths exploited through prostitution in this November 1996 government submission. The EFC responds to some of the provisions of Bill C-27 on juvenile prostitution and child sex tourism. The EFC outlines the extent of prostitution and its effects on juveniles, expressing support for Bill C-27. Bill C-27 addressed child prostitution in Canada and overseas child sex tourism, increasing the penalties for pimps and clients of juvenile prostitutes, making it easier for juveniles to testify, and allowing for proceedings to be instituted in Canada against Canadians who are involved in international sex tourism. The EFC makes specific recommendations on Bill C-27.

Read the complete Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs on Bill C-27 as a PDF Download.