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This Week’s Prayer Prompts This week's prayer prompt is about care for the vulnerable.
Each week we also list an EFC affiliate organization to pray for. This week, pray for Mission Aviation Fellowship. Its mission is "serving together to bring help, hope and healing through aviation" and its vision is "to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ."
Ongoing general prayer suggestions
Through no fault of their own, thousands of children and youth are in government care and in need of a permanent home and family. It’s...
Canada has legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide, known as medical assistance in dying (MAiD), under certain circumstances. These practices...
> Latest booklets for download: Action Kit (Feb. 2021). Study guideHow Porn Harms (rev. 2019). <Today’s mainstream pornography depicts...
Take Action: Learn more and take action on Conscience Rights in your province.Religious freedom is critical to our quest to know and worship God...