We welcome your prayers because they have a tremendous impact on our work. We publish a new set of prayer requests each week at TheEFC.ca/TakeAction and an annual prayer card with monthly prayer suggestions you can put on your fridge or in your Bible.
Ongoing prayer requests for our work
If you pray for us, please tell us! Your encouragement in this way would be very much appreciated. Contact us and do let us know how we can pray for you too.
We always need prayers...
- that God would lead us in our endeavours to provide resources to Christians so that they can better serve their community and better understand how to engage in the lives of their local government officials
- that we would be effective in our efforts to resource and encourage the leaders of our affiliate denominations, ministry organizations, higher education institutions and congregations
- that the conferences, webinars and other gatherings that the EFC undertakes continue to bring together Evangelicals for mutual support, encouragement and the sharing of ideas to increase the Church’s impact in the transformation of local communities and neighborhoods
- that God would help us add to the credibility and integrity we have built with lawmakers and government officials across Canada and that we will continually make a positive contribution to the life of the nation when addressing social issues in the media and before governments and the courts (specific current issues include euthanasia, palliative care and other life issues; pornography, prostitution and other sexual exploitation issues; and religious freedom issues like conscience protection)
- that we would be effective in bringing the plight of persecuted Christians before the Canadian government and in encouraging the Canadian Church to raise public awareness on behalf of our brothers and sisters worldwide
- that we would find more ways in which we can play a greater role in addressing poverty and homelessness in co-operation with Christian organizations already working with the poor
- that we would be successful in our efforts to urge the courts and Canada’s public policymakers of the importance of ensuring that Canadians continue to enjoy religious freedoms
- that God would bless various dialogues we are involved in, including a Refugee Resettlement Initiative, Seven Commitments working group (Indigenous-Settler relations), Roman Catholic-Evangelical dialogue, and more
- that God would bless our work facilitating various research partnerships on family faith formation, small churches and many other areas.
Pray for all our support staff including our senior leadership team...
- David Guretzki, President & CEO, Resident Theologian
- Bruce Clemenger, Senior Ambassador, President Emeritus
- Cecilia Wu, Director of Development
- David Auyeung, Director of Information Technology
- Gina Waugh, Director of Affiliate and Community Relations
- Joel Gordon, Director of Ministry Partnership and Innovation
- Julia Beazley, Director of Public Policy
- Karen Fishwick, Vice-President, Finance and Administration
- Karen Stiller, Director of Communications
- Phil Wagler, Global Liaison, Global Director of the WEA's Peace and Reconciliation Network
- Rick Hiemstra, Director of Research
- Valerie Hunter, Director of Human Resources
Pray for our leaders...
- Members of our Board of Directors
- Pastors who serve our affiliated congregations
- Leaders of our affiliate denominations and congregations as they seek to nourish and strengthen the Body of Christ in Canada
- Leaders of our affiliate ministry organizations and higher educational institutions as they serve in God’s Kingdom in a multitude of ways.
See our Staff and Board webpage for links to pictures of some EFC staff and board, and see our Affiiliates page for lists of congregations, denominations and organizations that are formally affiliated with the EFC.