Ignite Prayer Canada now has its own website. Please visit IgnitePrayer.ca.
The text below is archival material that currently remains up for reference. It will soon be deleted.
Media releases, press reports, etc.
- Ignite Vancouver report by Roger Helland (29 Nov. 2023)
- Recordings from past summits available on the Schedule page
- Decision magazine news report (4 July 2023)
- EFC news report: Igniting prayer across Canada (31 May 2023)
- BGEA news report: Ignite: Cultivating united prayer across Canada (25 April 2023)
- Faith Today Podcast episode 209, Canadian prayer networks and Ignite prayer summits (31 March 2023). A chat with three national leaders (Chris Byberg of NHOP, Roger Helland of the EFC and Dale Winder of BGEA) about how their networks have developed and how they have come to cooperate together for initiatives such as Ignite Prayer and Worship Summits.
- Organizers' media release: Ministries invite Christians to joint prayer and worship summits in four cities (30 January 2023)
Shareable video invitations for Vancouver event
- 45-second vertical video for social media, courtesy BGEA: On YouTube
- 45-second horizontal video to show in churches and elsewhere, courtesy BGEA: On YouTube
- Invitation from Vancouver pastors David Koop of Coastal Church and Darin Latham of Broadway Church (1 min 43 sec) Framed on EFC site, Unframed on YouTube, Unframed on Vimeo
Promotional poster you can print off and hang up (8.5 x 11") and various logos
- Vancouver colour PDF poster printable as black and white
- Logo with tagline with margin 848x323, with margin 818x460, no margin 848x352
- Logo without tagline: no margin 848x323, with margin 848x323
Social media images you can download and use (1080 x 1080 px)
- Ignite register now (no location specified)
- Ignite Vancouver register now: regular, simplified
Horizontal graphics for projection (1920 x 1080 px)
- Ignite logo only
- Ignite logo on people background
- Ignite logo and subhead on people background
Ideas for personal summit preparation
- Halfpage PDF for attendees
- Mandarin and Cantonese translations will be available at all Vancouver Nov. 17 events. You will need to bring a smartphone (Apple/Android) and a headset. 溫哥華的聚會全程提供普通話和粵語同聲傳譯,需要準備您的智慧型手機(Apple/Android)和耳機來收聽同聲傳譯。
Co-hosted by The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada, National House of Prayer, Peace and Reconciliation Network, Vineyard Canada, and local leaders in each city.