Ignite Prayer Canada now has its own website. Please visit IgnitePrayer.ca.
The text below is archival material that currently remains up for reference. It will soon be deleted.
Seminar presenters
Jacob George is the prayer coordinator for Centre Street Church, Calgary, and community pastor for downtown and south Calgary. He has served with Youth for Christ, the Navigators, and as an IT specialist at Centre Street. Jacob helps Centre Street Church become a praying church – a house of prayer for all nations.
Ray and Fran Duerksen are the founders and directors of Church Renewal. After leaving a flight career, Ray pastored two churches for a total of 30 years. For 22 of those years, he led Southland Church in Steinbach, Man. The church grew from 150 people to over 4,500 in attendance. During this time Ray learned about biblical practices for renewing a church with cultivating a culture of listening prayer as key. In 2012 they launched Church Renewal, which currently mentors 2,000 pastors in 52 countries.
Rob Parker and his wife Fran are the founding directors of the National House of Prayer, established in Ottawa in 2004 following the mandate to pray for our leaders in government. In 2019 Rob and Fran relocated to Airdrie, Alta., to be close to their children and grandchildren. Rob served as a senior pastor in British Columbia for 16 years with the Baptist General Conference. In 2015, Rob authored a book, We Have a Voice, which has seen more than 25,000 copies circulated.
Jason Matta is the senior pastor of Hope Church Toronto West, a diverse and vibrant community planted in 2013 as a
gospel-centred, Word-proclaiming, prayer-dependent, Christ-exalting church. As a former staff pastor, Jason is connected to Hope Bible Church in Oakville (formerly Harvest Bible Chapel Oakville). Jason has been a featured speaker for Daniel Henderson’s and 6:4 Fellowship’s Virtual Global Symposium for pastors and church leaders.

Phil Wagler and Manuel Böhm work with the Peace & Reconciliation Network, a commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. Phil Wagler is PRN global director, Manuel Böhm is director of network development, and Jeanette Böhm is a PRN associate. Phil lives in B.C., and the Böhms in Ontario.
Worship leader
David Ruis is an international worship leader and songwriter ("You’re Worthy of My Praise," "Let Your Glory Fall" and much more) and the author of The Worship God is Seeking and The Justice God is Seeking. David Ruis is the national director of Vineyard Canada and his wife Anita is the team lead at their local Vineyard Church in Kelowna, B.C. Together they have been planting churches in Canada and the USA, and have been in various leadership spaces within the non-profit and faith community world for over 30 years.
Summit facilitators
Chris and Marilyn Byberg are the executive directors of the National House of Prayer in Ottawa. Having been pastors and business/community leaders for the past 40 years, they carry a heart to pray for leaders in Canada. They are currently establishing Canopies of Prayer. Based on the federal electoral ridings, the vision is to see 338 prayer teams across the nation. This group would not only pray for the different leaders in that riding, but would also target prayer for salvation and spiritual awakening to break out in that community. Chris and Marilyn live in Ottawa. Their heart is to see the Kingdom of God come to our nation in churches, businesses and governments.
Roger Helland is the prayer ambassador of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He has served as a pastor in the Vineyard, Mennonite Brethren, and Christian and Missionary Alliance, and as the district minister of the Baptist General Conference of Alberta. He is an adjunct professor in several theological schools and the author of seven books including Pursuing God’s Presence. He is devoted to prayer and the ministry of the Word, the Spirit and the Scripture, holiness and missional disciplemaking. His passion is to stimulate spiritual renewal in the church. He and his wife Gail live near Calgary.
Dale and Tracey Winder work with Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada, focused on a national prayer initiative that encourages and inspires pastors to lead their congregations in creating a culture of prayer in their churches, more specifically for revival. The desire of BGEA Canada is to see Christians in every community across the country engaged in what J. Edwin Orr defines as, “a concerted effort of extraordinary, sustained prayer.” They live in Keswick, Ont.
Joel Zantingh is the Canadian coordinator of the Peace & Reconciliation Network, a commission of the World Evangelical Alliance. He is also director of Engagement with Lausanne Movement Canada. He has served in local and national roles within the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada, and led their global mission arm. He lives in Guelph, Ont.
Co-hosted by The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada, National House of Prayer, Peace and Reconciliation Network, Vineyard Canada, and local leaders in each city.