
17 April 2023
Dear Friend,

For nearly 60 years, the EFC has been a strong and constructive evangelical voice in the public square. We count it a privilege and a blessing to be called to impact our culture for Christ.
We work tirelessly to promote the application of biblical truths before our governments and in our courts. We seek to be a positive influence for the good of all Canadians on important issues of life and faith – as a reflection of our belief that we are all loved by God and created in His image, and in obedience to the biblical commands to promote justice and righteousness (Pr. 21:3).
Court interventions are expensive. The EFC only decides to intervene after much consideration. But when the stakes are high and the issues are of major concern to religious freedom or involve those facing vulnerabilities, we can’t not get involved.
Let me share about just one of the current court challenges that the EFC is concerned about…
In 2019, a Christian student was expelled from the University of Manitoba’s College of Medicine for expressing his opposition to abortion on his personal Facebook page.
The college received 18 anonymous complaints alleging that what the medical student wrote made them feel unsafe. This led the university to launch an investigation into his conduct. When the medical student was made aware of these complaints, he removed the posts from his Facebook page, and agreed to apologize to his classmates for having offended them.
However, his numerous attempts to apologize were all rejected. They were deemed insincere and unacceptable because he refused to change his views on abortion. In August 2019, he was found guilty of non-academic misconduct and expelled. He appealed the ruling twice but failed to get the decision overturned. Because he was championing the rights of unborn children, his opinions were judged to be “misogynistic and hostile to women” and to have a “negative impact on the learning and work environment.” He was told he would have to change his beliefs if he wanted to continue his studies. In other words, he was told that, in order to pursue a career that would allow him to save lives, he would have to give up his pro-life views!
In 2020, the student took his case to the Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba. He told the court, “Being a Christian is the very essence of my being. I cannot be separated from my faith."
He won. The court ruled that the discipline process was biased, unreasonable and failed to take the student’s Charter rights into account. The university was ordered to re-evaluate his case.
However, the case was re-evaluated by the same University committee that had expelled him before…and he was expelled again. The committee ruled that the student’s apologies were still deemed inadequate because he would not change his Christian beliefs opposing abortion.
The student is appealing the decision, this time in Manitoba’s Court of Appeal. He is arguing that the bias remained in the re-evaluation process and the Court has agreed to hear the case.
No Canadian should ever be silenced or compelled to deny their sincerely held beliefs in order to avoid discrimination or professional sanction/discipline. Our Charter guarantees the freedoms of religion, conscience, thought, belief, opinion and expression for all Canadians. These freedoms must be respected and upheld, even when the views expressed are unpopular or controversial.
We live in a vibrant multicultural and multi-faith society, with a diversity of beliefs and opinions. This diversity means we will not always share similar views or attitudes on many hot-button issues. Healthy discussion and debate of ideas, beliefs and policy is what strengthens us as a free and democratic society.
The EFC intends to seek intervener status in this case to uphold the fundamental freedoms of religion, belief and expression – for the good of all Canadians. We want the best ideas to prevail on fundamental issues that are important to all of us.
Beyond the threats to freedom of thought, opinion and belief, this case will also test the extent to which professionals might suffer discipline or expulsion just for holding certain views. Increasingly, individuals seeking to pursue careers in health care, law, or education are facing backlash for holding the minority view on moral issues that disagree with popular opinion.Screen-Shot-2023-04-13-at-10-00-08-AM-(1).png
It is only by God’s grace and His provisions through faithful supporters like you that the EFC can continue its crucial work in all our spheres of influence – making the most of every opportunity afforded us to bring biblical principles to bear on the critical issues of the day.
And on the legal battle front, much is at stake. We can’t afford not to intervene in court cases to provide a robust defense of our freedoms and to ensure just rulings are made for the benefit of all Canadians. We have an urgent need to build up the EFC’s Legal Fund immediately. The power to effect change is in your hands. Will you donate to the EFC’s Legal Fund today?
Dr. David Guretzki
President & CEO

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