
EFC Update Newsletter June 11

11 June 2024

EFC to defend constitutionality of prostitution laws in Supreme Court  

The EFC and the Association for Reformed Political Action have received co-intervener status before the Supreme Court and will defend Canada’s prostitution laws in the Kloubakov case. This case involves two men who are challenging the constitutionality of Canada’s prostitution laws after convictions for receiving financial gain from the sale of an individual’s sexual services and procuring someone for prostitution.  

How are Canadian church leaders sharing their faith today?  

The EFC recently partnered in research by Alpha Canada and Flourishing Congregations Institute about Canadian church leaders’ faith-sharing priorities and practices. Join a free webinar on June 18 as the researchers release the survey results, including implications for the Canadian church and practical strategies for sharing the gospel today.  

EFC senior ambassador to discuss political engagement on podcast  

EFC senior ambassador Bruce J. Clemenger will be interviewed on June 20 about evangelical political engagement on Back to the Bible’s InDoubt podcast.  

EFC researcher addresses shifts in evangelism, small church research  

EFC researcher Rick Hiemstra will speak at the Evangelical Free Church Annual Conference in Surrey, B.C. on June 14. Rick will talk about how changes in how we understand ourselves as human beings in the West is changing the meaning of evangelism. He will also present on the Significant Church research, conducted in partnership with our EFC affiliates, at the Central Canada District of the Wesleyan Church of Canada Conference in Brockville on June 22. 

Helping neighbours with promise grants 

“If your church closed down, would anyone outside your church notice?” After asking themselves this question during Covid, members of Promise Church in Bradford decided to reserve 10 percent of their budget for “promise grants.” Read more about the successful program in the Jul/Aug issue of Faith Today.  

Coming Events at

→ Simpson Lectures (Otis Moss III/Acadia Div), Wolfville/online, June 11-13     
→ The Timothy Conference: Igniting This Generation (Bill Prankard Ev. Assn.), Toronto, June 12-15     
→ Christian Music Festival, Toronto, June 15     
→ World Refugee Sunday (WEA), June 16 and/or 23    
→ Prayer as Pedagogy (Atlantic School of Theology), Halifax, June 17-28 
→  Reigniting Hope: Sharing the Good News in Canada in 2024 (Alpha/FCI), online, June 18
→ Ignite Prayer Canada Ministry Launch (various), online, June 20 
→ Spirituality & Aging Seminar (Conrad Grebel UC), online/Waterloo, June 21    
→ Missions Canada Gala, Oakville, June 22    
→ Christian Music Revival, Pickering, June 22    
→ One With Them: A Day for Christian Captives (Open Doors), nationwide, June 23  
→ Intercultural Competency for Children’s Ministry (TIM Centre), online, June 24  
→ Timothy Trust Summer School (MET Bible), Ottawa, June 24 -27 
→ Stories of Transformation in Canada (TOWC), online, June 25   
→ Praise Xplosion 2024, Winnipeg, June 29 
→ Day of the Christian Martyr (Voice of the Martyrs), international, June 29 
→ Anti-Racist Preaching and Community Building (Atlantic School of Theology), Halifax, July 1-12 
→ BC Christian Ashram Retreat, online and in person in Langley, July 5-6 
→ Why Church Music Matters: Facing Decline and Reclaiming Hope (Summer Institute of Church Music), online and in-person in Whitby, July 5-6 
→ March for Jesus, Ottawa and Gatineau, July 13