As MAiD Expands, Use the EFC Action Kit to Express Your Concerns
People with mental illness as their sole underlying medical condition will become eligible for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in March 2023. This change was passed into law in 2021, with a two-year delay before the change would take effect. Many Canadians are seriously concerned about this change, including the EFC. Please join us in asking MPs to halt this expansion of MAiD for mental illness alone.
At, the EFC now offers a kit showing how each of us can take action.
Last Chance to Pitch a Creative Project on Reconciliation Theme
This week is the last chance for Canadian Christian creatives to submit a creative, innovative idea for a project on the theme “Imagining Reconciliation.” Pitch a project in the medium of your choice, such as a performing arts, video, visual art, photography, digital media, or writing. The winner will receive up to $1,000 to complete their project, and their work will be promoted across multiple platforms. This commission is sponsored by the Creative Collective, an EFC initiative that facilitates community, networking, training and work opportunities for Canadian Christians who are performing artists, video content creators, visual artists, digital innovators and writers. Application deadline is this Sunday, July 31, 2022. Applicants must be 18-35 years old. Learn more about the theme, criteria and how to apply.
Five Articles from Canada Watch Now in French // Cinq nouveaux articles traduits
Don’t miss five new French translations of articles from the EFC newsletter Canada Watch, online now. // Nous avons traduit cinq articles de « Canada Watch », le bulletin d'information de l'AEC. Jetez un coup d’œil à toutes les dernières nouveautés sur
Faith in Unsettling Times
EFC President Bruce Clemenger reflects on the assurance of the gospel in unsettling times in his Jul/Aug Faith Today column.
EFC Job Opening for Fundraising Researcher
The EFC is looking for a part-time Prospect Researcher, Major Gifts, to join the EFC Development team. The role involves research to identify and provide insight on high net-worth individuals, private foundations and corporations. Application deadline is August 16. Learn more at
New Blog Posts on Christian Reformed Synod, Star Wars Celebration has two new posts this week by journalist Matthew Neugebauer, who is interning with us this summer. Read Christian Reformed Affirm Traditional Teaching on Sex and The View from Star Wars Celebration.
This Week’s EFC Prayer Prompts
Prayer is essential to any effective action. Each week at we rotate through a prayer request from each of these five areas: Sanctity of Life, Care for the Vulnerable, Church and Mission, Family and Community, Religious Freedom. We also list an EFC affiliate group to pray for.
Pray for freedom to worship, offering thanks to God for the freedom of religion we currently enjoy. Pray for boldness to follow God’s calling to be salt and light. Pray also for our nation to allow religious communities to exist and flourish, and for wisdom for the courts and elected officials. You can learn more at
This week, pray for EFC affiliate Intercede International. Intercede partners with indigenous missions and the men and women of God who labour to establish a witness for His name among their nations.
The EFC continues to offer new Friday@4 pandemic-focused prayer suggestions each month at
→ Reimagining Humility (Dennis Edwards/Regent College), online/in-person in Vancouver, July 27
→ World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, July 30
→ The Sacred Function of Stories: How Imagination Discloses the Imago Dei (Mary McCampbell/Regent College), online/ in-person in Vancouver, August 1
→ How Biblical Poetry Offers Hope in Suffering (Beth M. Stovell/Regent College), online/in-person in Vancouver, August 3
→ Marriage Enrichment All-Exclusive Retreat, in-person in Priddis (Focus on the Family Canada), Alberta, August 5-7
→ International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, August 22
In Case You Missed It
→ Job openings: Justice and mercy coordinator; leadership centre director of programs; pastoral leader; director of philanthropy; pastor; director of human resources; and more (
→ How MAiD is Transforming Canadian End of Life Care (Faith Today feature article)
→ Building Deep-Rooted Relationships ( blog)
→ Doing What One Can Do; A Week Alongside Ukraine (Dispatches from Brian Stiller)
→ Eight New Articles in French / Huit nouveaux articles traduit de « Faith Today » (çais)