Communications and Marketing Manager (full-time hybrid/Ottawa)
Position overview
The EFC is seeking a Communications and Marketing Manager to lead a dynamic communications team, to strengthen our brand, to coordinate the EFC’s various communications platforms, to advance our digital presence, to produce various digital and print resources that equip EFC affiliates, and to extend the reach of the EFC’s ministry.
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (l’Alliance évangélique du Canada) is the national association of evangelical denominations, post-secondary schools, organizations and congregations in Canada. Since 1964 the EFC has provided a national forum for Evangelicals, fostered ministry partnerships, conducted research on religious and social trends, and provided a constructive voice for biblical principles in matters of public life and policy.
The EFC operates three centres: the Centre for Faith and Public Life, the Centre for Ministry Partnership and Innovation, and the Centre for Research on Church and Faith. In addition to supporting communication needs for the three centres, the Communications department produces the national magazine Faith Today, podcasts, videos, webinars, newsletters and other print and digital resources.
Please submit your resume, a cover letter outlining your alignment with EFC’s mission, and examples of your work (e.g., marketing campaigns, writing samples, design projects) to Karen Fishwick,
Complete PDF job description
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