Urgent Action Needed on Euthanasia Bill C-7
MPs will soon vote on a motion to allow euthanasia for mental illness alone, as the Senate has recommended, but with a delay of two years before the change takes effect. It’s urgent that we call on MPs to reject this expansion of euthanasia. EFC Vice-President David Guretzki explains some of the central concerns about this bill and the Senate’s changes in a new two-minute video.
More than 100 member organizations and allies of the disability rights community, including the EFC, signed a letter by the Vulnerable Persons Standard asking all MPs to stop and rethink the dangerous and discriminatory changes in Bill C-7.
The EFC is a member of the Coalition for Healthcare and Conscience, which has an easy, quick way to email your MP or senator directly about this bill at CanadiansForConscience.ca. All the EFC’s latest updates and resources on this legislation are at TheEFC.ca/C-7.
We Can All Help Hold Pornography Sites Accountable
Canadians can call our government to stop allowing Pornhub to profit off videos of exploitation and assault, according to the EFC's Beth Hiemstra and Julia Beazley in a post released today on the EFC website.
The EFC Joins Call for Criminal Investigation into MindGeek
A collective of 104 survivors of sexual exploitation and 525 NGOs from 65 countries, including the EFC's Centre for Faith and Public Life, have sent a letter to a Canadian parliamentary committee urging a “full criminal investigation” into MindGeek for appearing to have violated Canada’s child protection laws and laws regarding the sharing of intimate images without consent.
Submission on Pornography Platform Accountability
Commercial pornography sites that knowingly profit from sexual abuse and exploitation, like Pornhub, must be held accountable. Learn more on the issue by downloading the pdf of the EFC’s new nine-page submission to the parliamentary ethics committee.
New WEA Secretary General Installed
Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher was installed as the new secretary general of the World Evangelical Alliance during an online ceremony last week in Bonn, Germany. In his inaugural speech, he reminded viewers: “In 1846, the World Evangelical Alliance was the first ever large religious body speaking up for religious freedom. And that meant speaking up against state churches and against Christian nationalism.” You can watch Schirrmacher’s speech. The new secretary general is also booked as an upcoming guest on the Faith Today Podcast.
Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age
Dr. Gordon T. Smith is the president of Ambrose University and Seminary in Calgary, and a professor of systematic and spiritual theology. His latest book is Wisdom from Babylon: Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age. In a new FT Interview, he spoke with Faith Today’s Karen Stiller about how we can best be the Church today. Smith is also a guest on the Faith Today Podcast.
Sign up to get more of this unique Canadian Christian journalism at FaithToday.ca/SubscribeFree, financially supported by advertising revenue and charitable donations (TheEFC.ca/FTDonate). Thank you for supporting this important ministry.
→ Beauty & Brokenness: A Journey to Easter (Imago & Intriciti), online Mar. 3, 17, 31
→ Ministry Leadership Day (Heritage College and Seminary), online Mar. 4
→ Impactus Men’s Conference (Impactus/Promise Keepers Canada), online Mar. 5-6
→ WICC World Day of Prayer, online Mar. 5
→ Preaching to the Heart with Dr. Josh Moody (Timothy Trust), online Mar. 6
→ 2:10 Network Kickoff, online Mar. 6
→ Spiritual First Aid Summit, online, Mar. 11
→ Ending Poverty Together Workshop (FH Canada), online Mar. 11
→ Watercooler Break for Communications Workers (CCCA), online Mar. 12
→ Spiritual Memoir Writing Workshop (Ottawa Christian Writers), online Mar. 19
→ Ontario Prayer Breakfast, online Mar. 29
→ EFC Prayer: Congregational Affiliates, online Mar. 31
→ Spiritual Direction 4 Course (Emmaus Formation), online Mondays Apr. 5-June 14; Spiritual Direction 1 Course, online Thursdays Apr. 8-June 17
→ Opening New Portals, Building Community (Canadian Christian Communicators Association), online Apr. 6-9
Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter.
Sample Letter on Conversion Therapy Bill
Bill C-6 proposes to ban conversion therapy in the Criminal Code. The EFC is very concerned the definition of conversion therapy in the bill is not clear and specific. The EFC is asking for changes to the bill to protect voluntary conversations and religious teaching. See our updated sample letter to send to your MP: pdf or docx.
New Action Kit to Protect Youth from Pornography
There is positive momentum now in the worlds of media and public policy that makes it a crucial time to act to protect children and youth from pornography, both in front of and behind the screen. Download our new pornography action kit to learn how to help. Will you join us in asking the government to require pornography sites to verify their consumers are adults and hold pornography sites accountable for hosting videos of child and youth sexual abuse?
In Case You Missed It
→ EFC signs letter to MPs on proposed changes to Bill C-7
→ When Covid Strikes (article by EFC President Bruce Clemenger)
→ What would Nehemiah do? (Dispatch by WEA Ambassador)
→ Sex and the City of God (Faith Today podcast)
→ In Whom Do We Place Our Trust? (Faith Today blog)