Urgent Action Needed on Euthanasia Bill C-7
The Justice Minister has moved to allow euthanasia for mental illness alone, as the Senate has recommended, but with a delay of two years for the change to take effect. The government motion rejects the Senate recommendation to allow advance requests for euthanasia before a person has been diagnosed with a disease. It commits to a review of issues related to mature minors, advance requests, palliative care and protection of people with disabilities within one month of Bill C-7 becoming law.
MPs will vote on this motion shortly. It’s urgent that we call on MPs to reject MAID for mental illness alone. EFC Vice-President David Guretzki explains some of the central concerns about this bill and the Senate’s changes in a new two-minute video.
The EFC is a member of the Coalition for Healthcare and Conscience, which has an easy, quick way to email your MP or senator directly about this bill at www.canadiansforconscience.ca. All our latest updates and resources on this legislation are at TheEFC.ca/C-7.
Tomorrow: Spirituality and Leadership Workshop
Register now for a workshop to be held tomorrow, Feb. 24, at Ambrose Seminary (online over Zoom) by EFC Prayer Ambassador Roger Helland. “Presence-centered Spirituality and Leadership” will focus on the pursuit of God’s presence, particularly for His guidance and favour in life and ministry. This seminar, also available as a one-credit seminary course, will explore the theology and practices for how to seek, experience and host God’s presence for Christian spirituality and leadership.
Friday: Breaking the Cycle of Crime and Incarceration
On February 26, Canadian Christians for Justice and Mercy presents their Black History Month event co-hosted by Pastor Rob Meikle and Michael "Pinball" Clemons. The EFC’s Joel Gordon is one of the speakers. You can register online.
When Covid Strikes
Resilient praying and caring communities are essential, writes EFC President Bruce Clemenger after Covid nearly took his life. Read an early version of his upcoming Mar/Apr Faith Today column, now on the EFC website.
New Podcast: Sex and the City of God
Join us for the latest Faith Today Podcast as we sit down with Canadian author Carolyn Weber to discuss her latest book, a moving memoir that explores marriage, desire, holiness and how God uses our relationships to move us closer to Him.
WEA Global Ambassador: What Would Nehemiah Do?
Brian Stiller, global ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance, shines a spotlight on the Global Advocacy Center in his latest Dispatch. Staffed by Christians and headquartered at the UN offices in Geneva, this center “looks into the eyes of government and makes its pleas on behalf of Christians who are trampled in the dust of oppression.”
→ Writing Critique Group led by Pauline Levert (Ottawa Christian Writers), online Feb. 23
→ Poetry Writers Critique Group (Ottawa Christian Writers), online Feb. 25
→ Breaking the cycle of crime & incarceration (Cdn Christians for Justice & Mercy), online Feb. 26
→ Create Conference (Mission Central), online Feb. 26-27
→ Together in the Wilderness (TrueCity), online Feb. 26-27
→ EFC Presentation at Edmonton Church by Neil Siemens, online Feb. 27-28
→ Toronto Prayer Breakfast, online Mar. 2
→ Beauty & Brokenness: A Journey to Easter (Imago & Intriciti), online Mar. 3, 17, 31
→ Ministry Leadership Day (Heritage College and Seminary), online Mar. 4
→ Impactus Men’s Conference (Impactus/Promise Keepers Canada), online Mar. 5-6
→ WICC World Day of Prayer, online Mar. 5
→ Preaching to the Heart with Dr. Josh Moody (Timothy Trust), online Mar. 6
→ 2:10 Network Kickoff, online Mar. 6
→ International Women’s Day, Mar. 8
→ Ending Poverty Together Workshop (FH Canada), online Mar. 11
→ Watercooler Break for Communications Workers, online Mar. 12
→ Spiritual Memoir Writing Workshop (Ottawa Christian Writers), online Mar. 19
→ Ontario Prayer Breakfast, online Mar. 29
→ EFC Prayer: Congregational Affiliates, online Mar. 31
Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter.
Sample Letter on Conversion Therapy Bill
Bill C-6 proposes a ban conversion therapy in the Criminal Code. The EFC is very concerned that the definition of conversion therapy in the bill is not clear and specific. The EFC is asking for changes to the bill to protect voluntary conversations and religious teaching. See our updated sample letter to send to your MP: pdf or docx.
New Action Kit to Protect Youth from Pornography
There is positive momentum now in the world of media and public policy that makes it a crucial time to act to protect children and youth from pornography, both in front of and behind the screen. Download our new pornography action kit to learn how to help. Will you join us in asking the government to require pornography sites to verify their consumers are adults and hold pornography sites accountable for hosting videos of child and youth sexual abuse?
In Case You Missed It
→ EFC letter to senators on critical problems with euthanasia Bill C-7
→ How Do Non-American Evangelicals Respond to the U.S.? (Dispatch by WEA Global Ambassador)
→ The Value of Theological Education (Faith Today article);
→ In Whom Do We Place Our Trust? (Faith Today blog)