Urgent Action Needed on Euthanasia Bill C-7
MPs will soon vote on a Senate recommendation to allow euthanasia for mental illness alone. The motion includes a delay of two years before the change would take effect. Today, the EFC sent a new letter to MPs on the Senate amendments, strongly urging the government to reject medical assistance in dying for mental illness alone.
It’s urgent that we call on MPs to reject this expansion of euthanasia. EFC Vice-President David Guretzki explains some of the central concerns about this bill and the Senate’s changes in a new two-minute video.
The EFC is a member of the Coalition for Healthcare and Conscience, which has an easy, quick way to email your MP or senator directly about this bill at CanadiansForConscience.ca. All the EFC’s latest updates and resources on this legislation are at TheEFC.ca/C-7.
EFC Webinar on Conscience Protection in Ontario March 17
Canadian Christians have a role to play as the federal government expands access to euthanasia and assisted suicide. Medical health professionals need conscience protection and they are asking the Church to help. No one should be forced to participate in ending the lives of their patients.
The Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada and the EFC are hosting a webinar to explore this issue and how we can help. Specifically, right now in Ontario there is opportunity to influence the development of conscience protection legislation in the near future.
Join us on Wed. March 17 at noon Eastern time to hear from doctors and members of the Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience. Register now.
New Podcast: Wisdom from Babylon: A Conversation with Gordon T. Smith
Gordon T. Smith’s latest book is Wisdom from Babylon: Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age, published last year by IVP Academic. Gordon is president of Ambrose University and a prolific author.
In our latest podcast, Smith helps us understand what a secular age looks like, and how a deeply hospitable church can respond and just be in a time that feels new and different, but not without its own beautiful possibilities.
Ontario Prayer Breakfast
A 50-year tradition of praying for provincial and municipal politicians continues this year as an online event March 29 at 7:30 a.m. Registration for the Ontario Prayer Breakfast is free but there are only 1,000 tickets available. Members from a variety of EFC-affiliate churches and organizations will participate, including a short prayer segment by EFC President Bruce Clemenger. Registration is now open.
EFC Prayer Ambassador Participates in Discussions on the Prayerful Church
The EFC’s Roger Helland recently participated in a YouTube discussion on "What Makes a Prayerful Church, Part 1," with Sara Maynard of Red Leaf Prayer and Rob Parker of the National House of Prayer.
Subject to Governing Authorities: Being Faithful in Messy Situations
How should we interpret the injunction to “be subject to governing authorities” (Romans 13:1) amid changing pandemic restrictions on worship? EFC Vice-President David Guretzki writes, “We need to approach this theological crisis with humility and open hands, even in disagreement.”
Sign up to get more of this unique Canadian Christian journalism at FaithToday.ca/SubscribeFree, financially supported by advertising revenue and charitable donations (TheEFC.ca/FTDonate). Thank you for supporting this important ministry.
Seeing Past Outward Appearances
God calls us to value people just because God created them, not because of gender or race. How are we building relational bridges in response to that call? Read more in this new Faith Today blog post by Claire Odogbo.
→ The History of the Bible: From Manuscripts to Modern Translations (Concordia Seminary), online Tuesdays Mar. 9, 16, 23
→ Spiritual First Aid Summit (FH Canada/IJM), online Mar. 11
→ Ending Poverty Together Workshop (FH Canada), online Mar. 11
→ Watercooler Break for Communications Workers (CCCA), online Mar. 12, Apr. 9
→ EFC Webinar on Conscience Protection in Ontario, online Mar. 17
→ Beauty & Brokenness: A Journey to Easter (Imago & Intriciti), online Mar. 17, 31
→ Spiritual Memoir Writing Workshop (Ottawa Christian Writers), online Mar. 19
→ Day of Prayer for Hong Kong (Canadian Council of Churches), online Mar. 21
→ Ontario Prayer Breakfast, online Mar. 29
→ EFC Prayer: Congregational Affiliates, online Mar. 31
→ Spiritual Direction Courses (Emmaus Formation), Course 4 online Mondays Apr. 5-June 14; Course 1 online Thursdays Apr. 8-June 17; Soul-Shaping Practices online Thursdays Apr. 15-June 24
→ Opening New Portals, Building Community (Canadian Christian Communicators), online Apr. 6-9
→ Navigating Through the Storm (Presbyterian Renewal/Cruxifusion), online Apr. 17
→ Mindfulness for Spiritual Formation and Direction with Jim Wilhoit (Emmaus Formation), online Apr. 17
Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter.
Sample Letter on Conversion Therapy Bill
Bill C-6 proposes to ban conversion therapy in the Criminal Code. The EFC is very concerned the definition of conversion therapy in the bill is not clear and specific. The EFC is asking for changes to the bill to protect voluntary conversations and religious teaching. See our updated sample letter to send to your MP: pdf or docx.
New Action Kit to Protect Youth from Pornography
There is positive momentum now in the worlds of media and public policy that makes it a crucial time to act to protect children and youth from pornography, both in front of and behind the screen. Download our new pornography action kit to learn how to help. Will you join us in asking the government to require pornography sites to verify their consumers are adults and hold pornography sites accountable for hosting videos of child and youth sexual abuse?
In Case You Missed It
→ You can help hold pornography sites accountable (EFC article)
→ EFC submission on pornography platform accountability (EFC article)
→ The EFC calls for criminal investigation into MindGeek
→ EFC signs letter to MPs on proposed changes to Bill C-7
→ Leadership for the church in a secular age (Faith Today Interview with Gordon Smith)
→ New WEA Secretary General installed