Senate Committee Now Studying Bill C-7 on Assisted Dying
A Senate committee is studying Bill C-7 during the next week. This bill proposes to allow euthanasia for Canadians who aren’t dying and remove other key safeguards. Bill C-7 will then return to the Senate for debate and a final vote. The EFC appeared before the committee in its pre-study of Bill C-7 in November. This committee is able to recommend changes to limit the bill. Please pray and consider contacting your province’s Senators. See EFC’s resources at
The EFC’s Director of Public Policy to speak at Religious Freedom Summit
Julia Beazley, the EFC’s director of public policy, will be a speaker at the upcoming Canadian Religious Freedom Summit held online on Jan. 30. Her talk will be “Bill C-6: Why clarity is essential.” Registration is free at
New Podcast: Covid and Parenting
Three counsellors from Shalem Mental Health Network ( very kindly agreed to record a conversation reflecting on isolation, marriage and parenting. You can now listen to the resulting podcast episode on parenting during the high, deep stress of Covid.
You can also listen to the isolation episode (Jan. 18) and the marriage episode (Jan. 19) at Thanks to Stephen Doucet Campbell, Jennifer Bowen and Jen Watt for sharing their great insights with us.
Send Us Your Ideas for Next EFC Webinar
How can we serve you with another EFC webinar about Covid-related topics? The EFC webinar team would like to tackle the topics that would help Canadian Church and ministry leaders now, and gather the experts you would most like to hear from. Let us know how we can serve you with our next webinar. And we will try our best. Email
Check out the webinars we’ve already done.
Rethinking How Evangelicals View Mental Health
As Christians, we know how to speak about doctrinal statements, but “we don’t have the language to talk about mental health or mental illness,” explains Mark Vander Vennen, recently retired director of Shalem Mental Health Network. He explains how we can think more usefully about mental health in a new feature article.
In addition to the online version of Faith Today, you can sign up for a free print subscription to our unique Canadian Christian journalism at, financially supported by advertising revenue and charitable donations ( Thank you for supporting this important ministry with prayers, money and any other way.
Dispatch from Brian Stiller on Vietnam
"On November 28–29, 2020, at a meeting in Cam Ranh Bay, the Vietnam Evangelical Alliance (VEA) was formally launched." World Evangelical Alliance Global Ambassador Brian Stiller gives us a glimpse into how our Vietnamese brothers and sisters overcame disunity and point the way for us today.
Top 10 Content at Faith Today in 2020
What were the most read articles and most visited webpages of the year? We crunched the numbers and shared some surprises in a new blog post.
How Design Can Help the Online Church
In a new blog, professional designer Andrew Zo shares how design methodologies can help the church navigate the new frontier of online worship.
→ Don’t Give Up—With Charles Price, Darrell Johnson and Laurel Buckingham, online (Alpha), Jan. 27
→ Stress, Anxiety and Depression Group (Impactus), online, Jan. 26–Feb. 16
→ Building Authentic Friendships (Impactus), online, Jan. 29
→ Serve/Grow/Create (Mission Central), online, Jan. 29–31/Feb. 19–20/Feb. 26-27
→ Managing Your Anger (Impactus), online, Jan. 30
→ What Would Get Jesus Killed Today (Jesus Collective), online, Feb. 2
→ Discernment in Hard Times (Forge Canada), online, Jan. 20, 27, Feb. 3
→ Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference (Cantonese), online, Feb. 5-7
→ Soul Care Retreat (New Leaf Network), online, Feb. 9
→ Building for the Future in the Context of Lament (Wycliffe College), online, Feb. 9
→ Dealing with Anger, Irritation and Bitterness Group (Impactus), online Feb. 9–Mar. 2
→ PowerUp Gospel Music Workshop (Toronto Mass Choir), online, Feb. 11–13, 17–20
→ Becoming a Better Husband Small Group (Impactus), online Feb. 16–Mar. 9
→ EFC Prayer: Academic Institution Affiliates, online, Feb. 17, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
→ Business as Mission (BAM Vancouver), online, Feb. 19
→ Today’s Teens Conference (Youth Unlimited Toronto), online, Feb. 20
Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter.
In Case You Missed It
→ Urgent need to hold pornography sites accountable (EFC article)
→ The end of grace: An essay on dying well (Faith Today blog)
→ How to keep on keeping on (Faith Today column by David Guretzki)
→ Isolation and Covid: Three counsellors offer a reality check (podcasts on isolation and marriage)
→ New Podcast: Lennett Anderson: On race, justice and Jesus