New Podcast: Isolation and Covid: Three Family Therapists Offer a Reality Check
Is Covid isolation getting you down? The Faith Today Podcast asked Shalem Mental Health Network to partner with us to create a three-part podcast series releasing this week. Their team, Jen Watt, Stephen Doucet Campbell and Jennifer Bowen, offer helpful and realistic advice on isolation, marriage and parenting during Covid lockdown. Listen to Part One on isolation and Part Two on marriage, with Part Three coming later this week.
Sommet de prière / Québec Prayer Summit
L'événement «Rencontre au sommet», une retraite annuelle de prière communautaire parrainée par l’AEC à Granby, se tiendra désormais sous forme d'événement en ligne d'une journée, le 26 janvier. Il sera trois périodes de prière avec alternance de plénières et de petits groupes (9h30-11h00 prières les uns pour les autres, 14h30-16h00 prières pour l'Église, 19h00-20h30 prières pour le Québec). Vous pouvez vous inscrire en envoyant un courriel à : (vous recevrez le lien avec le programme). Vous pouvez trouver les détails en ligne de cette « journée de prière pour tous les pasteurs et leaders, afin de faire une différence dans la vie et l'impact de l'Église au Québec ».
This year's "Rencontre au sommet" event, an annual EFC-sponsored communal prayer retreat near Quebec City, will now be held as a one-day online event, Jan. 26. The program will alternate between prayers for all and prayers in small groups (9:30-11 Eastern Time prayers for each other, 2:30-4 prayers for the Church, 7:00-8:30 p.m. prayers for Québec). You can register by sending an email to: (you will receive the Zoom hyperlinks and the program). Details about this “day of prayer for all pastors and leaders, in order to make a difference in the life and impact of the Church in Quebec” are available in French.
Canada Needs to Hold Pornography Sites Accountable
The harm pornography is doing to our society needs to be reduced. Thanks to major new public attention, Canadians have a special opportunity to take effective action the next few months, according to the EFC public policy team. Learn more in a Jan. 11 website post.
EFC President Released from Hospital
EFC president Bruce J. Clemenger was released last Wednesday from the hospital, where he was being treated for Covid-19. We are so thankful to share this update and join with his family in thanking the many Canadians who prayed for Bruce during his battle with Covid. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.
You can now read all Bruce's recent Faith Today columns, including his new Jan/Feb 2021 column on "Pandemic Leadership," at
New Podcast: Lennett Anderson: On Race, Justice and Jesus
Lennett J. Anderson is pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Hammonds Plains, N.S., and the newly appointed lecturer in leadership and racial justice at Acadia Divinity College. In a recent podcast, he spoke with Faith Today’s Karen Stiller about how the Church can step more fully into being antiracist and regain its prophetic voice.
How to Keep on Keeping on
“It takes discernment to know the difference between ‘I’m giving up’ and ‘I’ve done what God’s called me to do.’ The former is the desired outcome of the Hateful Deceiver, the latter of our Loving Comforter.” EFC Vice-President David Guretzki encourages us to persevere in our faith in his latest column.
In addition to the online version of Faith Today, you can sign up for a free print subscription to our unique Canadian Christian journalism at, financially supported by advertising revenue and charitable donations. You can donate at Thank you for enabling this important ministry!
Recognition: New Songs from Carolyn Arends
Carolyn Arends’ reflective songwriting helps us mature in faith, argues veteran columnist John Stackhouse in a new Faith Today blog.
→ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, worldwide, Jan. 18–25
→ Human Sexuality & Christian Ethics (Salvation Army), online, Jan. 18–March 22
→ Social Change and Community Engagement: Racism, Poverty and Hope (Wycliffe College), online, Jan. 20
→ Growing in Transparency & Intimacy in Your Marriage (Impactus), online, Jan. 20
→ Ending Poverty Together Workshop (FFTH), online, Jan. 20
→ Discernment in Hard Times (Forge Canada), online, Jan., 20, 27, Feb. 3
→ EFC Prayer: Canadian Church Unity, online, Jan. 25, 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (ET)
→ Rencontre au sommet, Granby, Que., online, Jan. 26
→ Alpha Youth Leader gathering, (Alpha Canada), online, Jan. 26
→ Don’t Give Up—With Dr. Charles Price, Dr. Darrell Johnson, and Dr. Laurel Buckingham, online (Alpha Canada), Jan. 27
→ Stress, Anxiety and Depression Group (Impactus), online, Jan. 26–Feb. 16
→ Building Authentic Friendships (Impactus), online, Jan. 29
→ Serve/Grow (Mission Central), online, Jan. 29–31, Feb. 19–20
→ Managing Your Anger (Impactus), online, Jan. 30
→ What Would Get Jesus Killed Today, online, Feb. 2
→ Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference (Cantonese), online, Feb. 5-7
→ Building for the Future in the Context of Lament: Navigating and Implementing Organizational Change (Wycliffe College), online, Feb. 9
→ Soul Care Retreat for Ministry and Non-Profit Leaders (New Leaf Network and Soul Play), online, Feb. 9
→ Dealing with Anger, Irritation and Bitterness Group (Impactus), online Feb. 9–Mar. 2
→ PowerUp Gospel Music Workshop (Tor. Mass Choir), online, Feb. 11–13, 17–20
→ Becoming a Better Husband Small Group (Impactus), online Feb. 16–Mar. 9
→ EFC Prayer: Academic Institution Affiliates, online, Feb. 17, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. (ET)
Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter.
In Case You Missed It
→ Rhythms for life: spiritual practices for who God made you to be Faith Today podcast
→ Joel Gordon on his new role at the EFC EFC article
→ The end of grace: an essay on dying well Faith Today blog
→ The Faith Today Interview with Lennett J. Anderson
→ The Fire of Ceaseless Prayer EFC article