New Sample Letter on Bill C-6
Bill C-6 proposes a ban conversion therapy in the Criminal Code. The EFC is very concerned that the definition of conversion therapy in the bill is not clear and specific. The EFC is asking for changes to the bill to protect voluntary conversations and religious teaching. See our updated sample letter to send to your MP: pdf or docx.
Senate Committee Now Studying Bill C-7 on Assisted Dying
Please pray for Senators to hear the concerns about Bill C-7 this week as a Senate committee hears from witnesses about the bill. Bill C-7 proposes to allow euthanasia for Canadians who aren’t dying and remove other key safeguards. This committee is able to recommend changes to limit the bill. Please consider contacting your province’s Senators. See EFC’s resources at
New Issue of Canada Watch
The EFC is seeking intervener status in an upcoming case in Manitoba about medical student Rafael Zaki who was suspended from his school because of his personal pro-life views on abortion. Learn more on the case, plus articles on EFC research projects, a new EFC prayer card (aussi en français) and a message from the chair of the EFC board, at
Presence-Centered Spirituality and Leadership Workshop Led by EFC Prayer Ambassador
Register now for a Feb. 24 workshop to be held at Ambrose Seminary (online over Zoom) by EFC Prayer Ambassador Roger Helland. “Presence-centered Spirituality and Leadership” will focus on the pursuit of God’s presence, particularly for His guidance and favour in life and ministry. This seminar, also available as a one-credit seminary course, will explore the theology and practices for how to seek, experience and host God’s presence for Christian spirituality and leadership.
Send Us Your Ideas for Next EFC Webinar
How can we serve you with another EFC webinar about Covid-related topics? The EFC webinar team would like to tackle the topics that would help Canadian Church and ministry leaders now, and gather the experts you would most like to hear from. Let us know how we can serve you with our next webinar. And we will try our best. Email
Check out the webinars we’ve already done here.
Reconciling Blog: Forgiveness Can Be Contagious
A telltale sign of true Christ followers is a supernatural capacity to forgive others – a sign that is bringing hope and healing in war-torn northern Iraq, reports Philip Serez. Read more in the latest post in the series at
Faith Today Blog: Mental Medications and Stigma
How would you respond if a doctor told you they are going to prescribe something to help you cope with your emotions or your racing or depressive thoughts? Registered nurse Rebecca Hicks reflects in a new post at the Faith Today website.
→ Stress, Anxiety and Depression Group (Impactus), online, Feb. 2–Feb. 16
→ Discernment in Hard Times (Forge Canada), online, Feb. 3
→ Gospel music: A Canadian perspective (York University), online, Feb. 3
→ Canada Chinese Christian Winter Conference (Cantonese), online, Feb. 5-7
→ Listen Up: A Supportive Listening Workshop (Food for the Hungry), online Feb. 6
→ Soul Care Retreat (New Leaf Network), online, Feb. 9
→ Building for the Future in the Context of Lament (Wycliffe College), online, Feb. 9
→ Dealing with Anger, Irritation and Bitterness Group (Impactus), online Feb. 9–Mar. 2
→ Jesus-Centred Preaching in a Complex World (Jesus Collective), online, Feb. 10, 17
→ PowerUp Gospel Music Workshop (Toronto Mass Choir), online, Feb. 11–13, 17–20
→ EFC Presentation at Manitoba Church by David Guretzki, online, Feb. 14
→ Caring for People with Mental Health Challenges (Acadia Divinity College), Feb. 15-17
→ Becoming a Better Husband Small Group (Impactus), online Feb. 16–Mar. 9
→ EFC Prayer: Academic Institution Affiliates, online, Feb. 17, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
→ Jesus-Centred Preaching in a Complex World (Jesus Collective), online, Feb. 17
→ Business as Mission (BAM Vancouver), online, Feb. 19
→ Grow/Create (Mission Central), online, Feb. 19–20/Feb. 26-27
→ Today’s Teens Conference (Youth Unlimited Toronto), online, Feb. 20
→ Writing Critique Group led by Pauline Levert (Ottawa Christian Writers’ Fellowship), online, Feb. 23
→ Poetry Writers Critique Group led by Don Martin (Ottawa Christian Writers’ Fellowship), online, Feb. 25
→ EFC Presentation at Edmonton Church by Neil Siemens, online, Feb. 27-28
→ Toronto Prayer Breakfast, online, Mar. 2
→ Ministry Leadership Day (Heritage College and Seminary), online, Mar. 4
→ Impactus Men’s Conference (Impactus/Promise Keepers Canada), online, Mar. 5-6
→ WICC World Day of Prayer, online, Mar. 5
→ International Women’s Day, Mar. 8
→ Ending Poverty Together Workshop (FH Canada), online, Mar. 11
Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter.
In Case You Missed It
→ Urgent need to hold pornography sites accountable (EFC website post)
→ How design can help the online church (Faith Today blog)
→ Rethinking how Evangelicals view mental health (Faith Today article)
→ Isolation and Covid: Three counsellors offer a reality check (podcasts on isolation, marriage and parenting)
→ Lennett Anderson: On race, justice and Jesus (Faith Today podcast)