February 9, 2021
New Pornography Action Kit
Now is a crucial time to act to protect children and youth from pornography, both in front of and behind the screen. Download our new pornography action kit to learn how to help. Will you join us in asking the government to require pornography sites to verify their consumers are adults and hold pornography sites accountable for hosting videos of child and youth sexual abuse?
Sample Letter on Conversion Therapy Bill
Bill C-6 proposes a ban conversion therapy in the Criminal Code. The EFC is very concerned that the definition of conversion therapy in the bill is not clear and specific. The EFC is asking for changes to the bill to protect voluntary conversations and religious teaching. See our updated sample letter to send to your MP: pdf or docx.
Senate Debating Bill on Assisted Dying
Please pray for Senators this week as they debate changes to Bill C-7. The bill proposes to allow euthanasia for Canadians who aren’t dying and remove other key safeguards. Some Senators would like to expand the bill to allow hastened death for Canadians with a mental illness as the sole underlying medical condition. Please consider contacting your province’s Senators. See EFC’s resources at TheEFC.ca/C-7.
Today’s Teens Conference
The EFC and Love Is Moving are sponsors of Today’s Teens Conference 2021, which is taking place on Saturday, Feb. 20. The EFC’s Joel Gordon and Indigenous leader Andrew Thunder will be speaking with youth leaders about how to address racism with teens from a biblical perspective. The event is in its 38th year and is free this year. Youth leaders, volunteers and pastors should register at: www.todaysteens.ca/register
Spirituality and Leadership Workshop
Register now for a Feb. 24 workshop to be held at Ambrose Seminary (online over Zoom) by EFC Prayer Ambassador Roger Helland. “Presence-centered Spirituality and Leadership” will focus on the pursuit of God’s presence, particularly for His guidance and favour in life and ministry. This seminar, also available as a one-credit seminary course, will explore the theology and practices for how to seek, experience and host God’s presence for Christian spirituality and leadership.
Gender in Congregational Life Survey
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary has just launched the Gender in Congregational Life Survey. The survey aims to uncover in more detail what men and women do in Christian congregations around the world. It is endorsed by the World Evangelical Alliance and available in English, Chinese, French, German, Korean, Mongolian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Send Us Your Ideas for Next EFC Webinar
How can we serve you with another EFC webinar about Covid-related topics? The EFC webinar team would like to tackle the topics that would help Canadian Church and ministry leaders now, and gather the experts you would most like to hear from. Let us know how we can serve you with our next webinar. And we will try our best. Email senioreditor@faithtoday.ca.
Check out the webinars we’ve already done here.
New Podcast: What’s in a Song?
In our latest podcast, we spoke to Mike Tapper, professor and chair of Southern Wesleyan University's Division of Religion and also a researcher who helped perform a lyrical analysis of the 30 most commonly song hymns over the past five years. And then explored some of the theology of what they found. The theological news is not all bad. Read more about the research.
Unlearning and Relearning Love
Christian love does not depend entirely on me, but on the one who sees me for who I am and still calls me the Beloved, writes Julia Bowering in a new post at the Faith Today website.
Layoff Lessons
“Our layoff was unceremonious and messy, like an acrimonious divorce,” writes Evelyn Pedersen. She describes the range of emotions she felt as she and her entire team were laid off during the pandemic, and how she gained a new perspective as she brought her grief before the Lord.
→ Dealing with Anger, Irritation and Bitterness Group (Impactus), online Feb. 9–Mar. 2
→ Jesus-Centred Preaching in a Complex World (Jesus Collective), online, Feb. 10, 17
→ PowerUp Gospel Music Workshop (Toronto Mass Choir), online, Feb. 11–13, 17–20
→ EFC Presentation at Manitoba Church by David Guretzki, online, Feb. 14
→ Caring for People with Mental Health Challenges (Acadia Divinity College), Feb. 15-17
→ Marketplace Ministry Webinar for Women (Women Together), Feb. 16
→ Becoming a Better Husband Small Group (Impactus), online Feb. 16–Mar. 9
→ EFC Prayer: Academic Institution Affiliates, online, Feb. 17, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
→ Jesus-Centred Preaching in a Complex World (Jesus Collective), online, Feb. 17
→ Business as Mission (BAM Vancouver), online, Feb. 19
→ Grow/Create (Mission Central), online, Feb. 19–20/Feb. 26-27
→ Today’s Teens Conference (Youth Unlimited Toronto), online, Feb. 20
→ Writing Critique Group led by Pauline Levert (Ottawa Christian Writers), online, Feb. 23
→ Poetry Writers Critique Group led by Don Martin (Ottawa Christian Writers’ Fellowship), online, Feb. 25
→ EFC Presentation at Edmonton Church by Neil Siemens, online, Feb. 27-28
→ Toronto Prayer Breakfast, online, Mar. 2
→ Ministry Leadership Day (Heritage College and Seminary), online, Mar. 4
→ Impactus Men’s Conference (Impactus/Promise Keepers Canada), online, Mar. 5-6
→ WICC World Day of Prayer, online, Mar. 5
→ International Women’s Day, Mar. 8
→ Ending Poverty Together Workshop (FH Canada), online, Mar. 11
→ Spiritual Memoir Writing Workshop (Ottawa Christian Writers), online, Mar. 19
Publicize your event for free on our calendar and we will also share it in this email newsletter.
In Case You Missed It
→ New Issue of Canada Watch
→ Forgiveness can be contagious (Reconciling blog)
→ Mental medications and stigma (Faith Today blog)