
Donate to the WEA

Support for people and projects under the World Evangelical Alliance

Canadian funds can be directed to the WEA through The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada account. These funds are then passed on to the WEA, which allows the Canadian donor to receive receipts for income tax purposes. Please note that all funds are carefully managed, and annual audits are conducted to ensure proper accounting and distribution

Individual Support

Brian Stiller
Canadian Brian Stiller is global ambassador of the WEA. His life mission comes from the time King David was rebuilding Israel. One group assisting him was described as those “who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12:32).

Christine MacMillan
Canadian Christine Macmillan is a WEA senior advisor on social justice as well as chair of the WEA Global Human Trafficking Task Force.

Matthew Gibbins
Canadian Matthew Gibbins serves as the EFC's Network Catalyst and also executive director of the EFC Global Mission Roundtable.

Commission Support

WEA Peace & Reconciliation Network
The Peace & Reconciliation Network, a commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, exists to inspire and equip the global evangelical church family to live our calling as ambassadors of the reconciling Good News of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). PRN works with and through national evangelical alliances like the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

General Support

WEA General Support
Donations to General are made available to the WEA for general budget purposes.

WEA Development
These funds support growth initiatives globally.

WEA Special Initiative - Ukraine

WEA Special Initiative - Rwanda
This enables the WEA in dealing with critical local and regional and global issues and crisis.