
06 December 2024
Dear Friend,

Warm greetings during this joyous Advent and Christmas season! This year, we are celebrating the birth of our Saviour as well as the 60th anniversary of the founding of the EFC.
As we reflect on 60 years of ministry, we thank God for His faithfulness and provisions throughout the EFC’s history as we work for justice, unity, and reconciliation. We’re also looking forward and seeking His will for us as a movement of evangelical Christians in Canada. In this regard, I’d like to share some personal thoughts with you.
This past year, I’ve been drawn to the book of Revelation like never before, and reflecting on what the Church in Canada might look like in the coming years and what role the EFC might have in seeing that vision come to fruition.
As we approach 2033, the 2000th anniversary of the Christ’s ascension and the birth of the Church, I dream that we in Canada would join with a global movement of Christians who, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can strive toward being a people linked visibly and publicly together as a mosaic of peoples, cultures, and languages (Rev. 7:9), reconciled for common Gospel cause. In Canada, where “diversity” is culturally seen to be a strength, I believe the EFC and its affiliates could be the strongest and greatest example of intergenerational and intercultural efforts in working toward the glory of God and the good of our neighbours. And by that, I mean all our neighbours – our fellow image-bearers.
I believe that, as Evangelicals – that is, as Gospel people – we must proclaim the good news that God sent Jesus not only to save us as individuals, but also to heal our common life together. We are compelled to ask: How should we love and serve our neighbours, including those who do not (yet) follow Jesus and may even be antagonistic to Him? This is the task we cannot ignore. To love God well also means to love both our Christian and non-Christian neighbours well, seeking the well-being of everyone.
Towards this end, we must bear witness to the Word of God to show that God’s ways are best for all, whether they believe in Him or not. We must present biblical truths with the hopes of persuading people without coercion or violence. After all, if the Gospel of the Kingdom is truly good news, it is good not only for us, but for all, even those who may currently oppose us. This is the kingdom work the people of God are called upon to carry out, and the work which the EFC will, by God’s grace, continue to do.
Finally, we must remember that, not only are we a kingdom, but priests as well – people tasked with interceding for others before God. The priestly work of the Church is “the golden bowls of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people” (Rev. 5:8). I pray that the EFC may serve God and all our constituents well by being a gentle, and perhaps occasionally, annoying, reminder that without prayer, no amount of political strategy or even good neighbourliness will be sufficient. In other words, a Church that engages on issues of common good, but that doesn’t pray, is no different than any other political party or humanitarian organization; while a Church that prays, but that doesn’t concern itself with the common good of all peoples, will be of such heavenly mindedness that it is of no earthly good, as the old saying goes.
Now, I know this isn’t a typical fundraising appeal letter. I’m not asking you to “urgently donate today” because we have a pending court case that could erode our religious freedoms or there’s a harmful government bill we need your help to “fight now” before it is passed into law.
At the same time, your donation is indeed urgently needed at this time. Donations are down significantly this year. And the potential for a prolonged postal strike has me more than a little concerned. We are able to do the work that God has called us to do only with the generosity of supporters like you.
Whether you’re a long-time supporter or a new donor, please know that we are very grateful for you. Your gifts have allowed us to accomplish much these past 60 years as the unwavering evangelical “voice” in Canada. So, I’m humbly asking you now if you will prayerfully consider making a year-end gift.

With your financial gift, we can continue to be a blessing together, for all Canadians, as we:
  • tackle issues of law and public policy through our Centre for Faith and Public Life;
  • contribute to a broader understanding of the faith trends and issues that frame the context of ministry in Canada through our Centre for Research on Church and Faith;
  • facilitate collaborative initiatives for greater ministry effectiveness through our Centre for Ministry Partnership and Innovation; and
  • share insights and stories of effective Christian ministry and witness through our publications, webinars, podcasts, etc.
May God might find the Church – in Canada and in every nation, now and in generations to come – watching and waiting, praying and working in service to Christ, because we have today committed to the Lord and to one another to aspire to join God’s worshiping, reconciled, active and praying people around the throne of the Lamb who was slain. And may God be glorified!
Wishing you a blessed Christmas,
Dr. David Guretzki
President & CEO

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