
Statement of Donor Rights

In Canada, donors have an inherent moral and legal right to information about the charities they support. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) is pleased to openly state these rights and extends its cooperation to those who wish to receive information from us. Some of the more important rights that donors are entitled to are:

  1. Right to disclosure - A donor is entitled to full disclosure concerning the purpose for which funds are being raised, the fundraising costs, and whether the fundraiser is paid or a volunteer.
  2. The board - A donor is entitled to know the names of those serving on the EFC’s board and to expect that the board will exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
  3. Right to transparency - A donor is entitled to expect that information provided about the EFC or a fundraising program be transparent, allowing the donors to make an informed decision on whether to donate or not. A donor is free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
  4. Right to financial information- A donor is entitled to receive all relevant financial information necessary to make an informed decision concerning a donation and the charitable program that it will further. This entitles the donor to receive a copy of the most recent financial statements of the EFC.
  5. Right to protection from undue influence- A donor is entitled to freedom from any form of undue influence in fundraising. It would also preclude EFC representatives from developing a close relationship with a donor that might result in taking unfair advantage of donors.
  6. Right to expect concern for the donor’s well being - To the extent that a relationship between a donor and the EFC is one where the donor relies on the EFC for financial information, the EFC will seek to protect an overly eager donor from making a gift that would unduly financially overextend or otherwise not be in the best interests of the donor.
  7. Right to independent legal advice - Every donor has a “passive” right to obtain independent legal advice before making a gift. In some situations the EFC will actively encourage donors to seek legal advice.
  8. Right to compliance with donor imposed restrictions - Where a donor has imposed binding restrictions on a charitable gift, the donor has an inherent right to expect that the terms of the restriction will be complied with by the EFC and its board.
  9. Right to confidentiality - All donors are entitled to confidentiality concerning their identity and the nature of the gift they have given, unless they have consented to their publication.


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