New podcast: The heart and soul of a pastor
How do pastors keep their hearts and souls healthy? Theologian Ross Hastings, author of Pastoral Ethics: Moral Formation as Life in the Trinity, explores what pastors need and how to nurture this in the latest episode of the Faith Today Podcast.
Tech-savvy seniors
“Retirement and older age do not mean being unplugged from the world of technology and digital tools,” writes columnist Joanna la Fleur in the latest Faith Today. Her latest Thriving in Digital column offers tips for how we can help seniors in our churches adapt to and excel in the latest digital technologies.
New book on holiness from Faith Today editor
Karen Stiller of Ottawa is releasing her latest book today. Holiness Here: Searching for God in the Ordinary Events of Everyday Life (NavPress) reflects on the kind of holiness we’re all working out day to day (rather than the kind we may think is reserved for the towering saints of history). The book is biblically informed, insightful about human nature and personally honest. It includes group discussion questions and is also available as an audiobook narrated by the author. The EFC staff celebrates with our talented coworker the publication of this book! If you’re in the Ottawa area you are welcome to a launch event on April 20.
EFC leaders consult on religious freedom
EFC President David Guretzki and EFC Senior Ambassador Bruce Clemenger are in Toronto today through Thursday attending the Religious Liberty Partnership’s yearly consultation. At this event, leaders of organizations affiliated with the partnership can discuss international religious freedom issues with political and academic leaders and seek collaborative opportunities for meaningful change.
→ Finding Your Organization’s “Elephant in the Room” (Kentro), webinar, Apr. 11
→ Communications Workers' Watercooler Break (CCCA), online, April 12
→ Inspire Youth Conference (Cheryl Nembhard / Gateway Church), St. Paul, MB, Apr. 12-13
→ When Faith Meets Doubt / Christ in Culture 2024 (IJM), Kitchener, Apr. 12-13
→ Porn S.O.S. (Stopping Online Sin) Men’s Event (Huron Chapel EMC), Auburn, ON, Apr. 13
→ InterVarsity Fundraising Brunch (IVCF-Q), Montréal, Apr. 13
→ Seeking a Common Word Christian-Muslim Dialogue (ACC/ELCIC), webinar, Apr. 16
→ Understanding Authoritarianism in the World and the Church (R. Chiu/Redeemer Univ.), Ancaster, Apr. 17
→ Engaging Islam (Newcomers to Canada Project), Edmonton, Apr. 18-20
→ Beyond Culture Wars: Fostering Solidarity in an Age of Polarization, Waterloo, Apr. 18-20
→ Marriage Enrichment Retreat (FOTC), Moncton, Apr. 19-21
→ Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations Immersion Workshop (Resonate/PRN/Daystar), Beaverton, Apr. 21-24
→ The Gospel Coalition National Conference (TGC), Vancouver, Apr. 22-24
→ Stories of Transformation in Canada (TOWC), online, Apr. 23
→ One Conference, Calgary, Apr. 25
→ Day of Renewal—Church Leadership Atlantic (Strategic Renewal Can.), Moncton, Apr. 26
→ Youth Quake Sr. High Retreat (Briercrest), Caronport, Apr. 26-28
→ Capitalyze: Getting to Work in City-wide Movements (OneWay Min.), Ottawa, Apr. 26-27
→ Strengthening Your Spiritual Care Ministry (Booth U), Winnipeg, Apr. 26-27
→ Women’s Journey of Faith Conference (Shari Rigby/WJOF), Saskatoon, Apr. 26-27
→ North Korea Never Abandoned Tour (Open Doors), Kemptville, Apr. 29; Regina, May 4; Moose Jaw, May 5; Swift Current, May 7
→ Church Planting Rhythms & Rituals (Centre for Missional Leadership), Vancouver, May 2-4
→ Leadership Summit for Young Adults (Apologetics Canada), West Guilford, May 3-5
→ Change Conference Alberta (YFC/Youth Unlimited), Calgary, May 3-4
→ Ontario Christian Home Educators Connection conference (OCHEC), Ancaster, May 3-4