How Has Medical Assistance in Dying Impacted Your Life?
Medical assistance in dying is a growing practice in Canada, which means increasing numbers of our neighbours, acquaintances and even friends and family will opt to end their lives by MAiD at some point. Have you faced the difficult experience of someone in your life choosing medical assistance in dying? If you are willing to share your story with us, we will protect your confidentiality. You can email us at
Pandemic Lessons on Productivity
“I understood in new ways that time was not mine to control, productivity not mine to guarantee.” Read more from Faith Today writer Jen Pollock Michel on the lessons she learned about measuring time during the pandemic in our Sep/Oct cover story.
Sign up at for a print subscription to read more articles like this.
EFC President Visiting Affiliates and Donors
On Sept. 10, EFC President David Guretzki will be speaking at a service at Whitby Free Methodist Church. From Sept. 11-17 he will be in Winnipeg making donor and affiliate visits as he continues to meet and listen to the EFC community.
EFC Job Opening: Event Coordinator
The EFC is still seeking a full-time Event Coordinator. This is a hybrid position based in Ottawa or Toronto. This new position is being created to organize a variety of events for the EFC (including speaking engagements, prospecting/networking events, seminars and workshops). See for more information.
This Week’s Prayer Prompts
This week’s prayer request is about abortion and fetal rights.
Pray for all Canadians that we would welcome the gift of life. Pray for women who feel pressured to have a child of a certain sex. Pray for the lives of pre-born girls to be valued.
This week's EFC affiliate highlight focuses on Pregnancy Care Canada, which seeks to establish, equip, and encourage pregnancy care centres across Canada and works with centres so that anyone impacted by an unexpected pregnancy has access to the support they need.
You can always find the week’s prayer prompts at
→ Sharing Your ‘Contagious Faith’ with your Muslim Friend (LMT), online, Sept. 9
→ Jesus in the City Parade (JITC), Toronto, Sept. 9
→ Love-Centred Philanthropy: A ‘Whole Person’ Approach to Fundraising (KCN), online, Sept. 14
→ Write! Canada Webinar with Tosca Lee (TWG), online, Sept. 15-16
→ The Word Awards (TWG), online, Sept. 16
→ Gender, Sexuality & Christian Ethics Course (SAEC), online, Mon’s Sept. 18–Nov. 27
→ EFC Presentation and Prayer Gathering on MAiD, online, Sept. 21
→ Understanding Suicide: Perseverance Conference 2023 (West Highland Baptist), Hamilton, Sept. 23
→ Israel Prayer Watch Summit (IPWC), Mississauga, Sept. 24
→ Stories of Transformation in Canada (TOWC), online, Sept. 26
→ Canadian International Faith & Family Film Festival (CIFF), online, Sept. 28-30
→ A Night with the Persecuted Church (Open Doors): Calgary Sept. 28, Grande Prairie Sept. 29, Redwater Sept. 30
→ Christian Parenting & Grandparenting (West Highland Baptist), Hamilton, Sept. 30
→ Toronto + GTA Ministry & Business Leaders Afternoon (Missions Canada), Oakville, Sept. 30
In Case You Missed It
→ Job Openings: pastor (Red Deer, Montreal, Brampton, Saint John, Ottawa); Montreal director of leadership programs; and more (
→ Hastened Death for Mental Illness Needs to Be Stopped (EFC info and call to action)
→ Resource on Disability and Belonging in the Church En Français (EFC resources)
→ Step Up Construction Program Provides Job Training for Winnipeg Youth (Faith Today article)
→ What Success in Ottawa Looks Like for the EFC (latest Canada Watch)