What’s Happening with Government Review of Medical Assistance in Dying
A special committee of MPs and Senators are reviewing Canada’s laws on euthanasia and assisted suicide, and considering whether to expand them even further. Read more in the EFC’s latest blog.
Don’t Open MAiD to Mature Minors or to Advance Requests
The EFC is urging a special parliamentary committee not to allow euthanasia or assisted suicide for mature minors or by advance request. In a written brief, the EFC urged the committee to assess reports that Canadians with disabilities are choosing MAiD because they do not have the supports and care needed to live. Read more about the EFC’s concerns and the committee review at www.TheEFC.ca/MAIDreview.
What Drives the Violence Between Ukraine and Russia?
How do human needs for connectedness, security, recognition, action and meaning lead to international violence? Ottawa scholar Vern Neufeld Redekop explains in a new post in our Reconciling series at FaithToday.ca.
Parents Invited for Study on Faith Formation
Are you a parent with children under 18? You can help churches better understand how you pass your faith to your children. The EFC has teamed up with 15 other groups to learn about the experiences of evangelical parents and the role that faith plays in the home. Survey participants can win one of three $250 Amazon gift cards. Click here for the survey in English or French. The survey will be open until June 12.
Faith Today Readers, Please Take Our Survey
Faith Today, Canada’s Christian Magazine, wants to hear from our readers. What are we doing well? What would you like done differently? Take our reader survey, and you could also win one of 10 coffee-shop and bookstore gift cards. You can visit www.FaithToday.ca/ReaderSurvey.
Faith Today article: Why Wasn’t Jesus Enough?
Psychotherapist Ron Pagé delves into the connection between pain avoidance and sexual misconduct. He reminds leaders that Jesus is always enough to help us face our pain...but we need the body of Christ, too.
This Week’s EFC Prayer Prompts
Prayer is essential to any effective action. Each week at TheEFC.ca/TakeAction we rotate through a prayer request from each of these five areas: Sanctity of Life, Care for the Vulnerable, Church and Mission, Family and Community, Religious Freedom. We also list an EFC affiliate group to pray for.
This week’s prayer request is about family and community. Pray for the EFC’s family faith formation study, currently in the final stages of information-gathering. Pray also for a culture that respects and fosters faithful, committed relationships. Pray for the marriages and family relationships of the people you know; for wisdom and relevance in teaching our kids; for families in crisis; for children and youth in government care needing a permanent home.
You can learn more on these issues at TheEFC.ca/ReligiousFreedom.
This week's EFC affiliate highlight focuses on Christian Horizons, which works together with people who experiences disabilities to accomplish their goals and nurture communities where everybody belongs.
Covid-19 continues to have a significant impact on our lives. The EFC continues to offer new Friday@4 pandemic-focused prayer suggestions each month at TheEFC.ca/Covid-19.
→ City Impact Tour (City Mvmt, WayBase) – Calgary June 9, St. John’s June 9, etc.
→ Canadian School of Peacebuilding (Canadian Mennonite University), Winnipeg, June 13-17
→ H. Evan Runner International Academy (Ezra Institute), Golden, B.C., June 10-22
→ W.E.A. Business Coalition’s Create Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, June 20-24
→ One with Them: A Day for Christian Captives (Open Doors), online, June 26
→ Revelation – The End of the World as We Know it? (Apologetics Canada), online, June 26
→ A Widower’s Lament from 1619 (Regent College), online and in-person in Vancouver, June 27
→ The Perverse Logic of Evil: Putin’s War on Ukraine in Theological-Ethical Perspective, online and in-person in Vancouver (Regent College), online and in-person in Vancouver June 29
→ Voices Together from Sea to Sea (Glad Tidings Church), online, July 1
→ Summer Institute of Church Music, Whitby, Edmonton or online, July 3-7
→ Reading Romans in a Time of Upheaval (Regent College), online and in-person in Vancouver, July 4
→ Reconciled to Reconcile: A Visible Witness in a Divided World (Regent College), online and in-person in Vancouver July 6
→ BC Christian Ashram, online, July 8-10
In Case You Missed It
→ Who are Evangelicals? (Faith Today podcast with John Stackhouse)
→ Hospitality for Anyone (Faith Today article)
→ New Canada Watch: A Moment for Us to Act on MAiD
→ Canadian Gifts Support Ukrainian Refugees in Europe (Faith Today blog)