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Canadian Christian Women’s Collaborative Network

The Vision

The Canadian Christian Women’s Collaborative Network will provide research, resourcing, and collaboration opportunities that amplify female voices, honour women’s contributions, and co-create a world where women and men flourish. The Network imagines a world where God’s Kingdom purposes are fully realized through women and men flourishing and co-labouring alongside each other to serve Him. It recognizes that women have faced persistent barriers to that vision and affirms the inherent value of women as image-bearers who represent God uniquely.

The History

In the fall of 2021, the EFC convened a conversation for women interested in exploring the possibility of an initiative serving Christian women in Canada. From the beginning, it was envisioned that a small group would serve as a steering committee to gather the data and craft a pathway for this initiative to emerge. 

Meeting monthly, the committee planned and hosted a consultation with invitations sent to over 150 women. In March 2022, pre-consultation surveys were sent out and 63 survey responses were received. This was followed by a virtual information session and listening circle with breakout groups to discuss possible priorities and structures for a network. As well as those who participated live, the listening circle questions were circulated to anyone who indicated interest in participating asynchronously. The data from the survey and listening circle was compiled by Lindsay Callaway and approved by the committee. Download a condensed version of that report.

What’s Next

Drawing from the learnings gathered during the consultation process, the Network’s first aims will be to convene a diverse national network, identify and respond to resourcing gaps, and begin a research project on Christian women in Canada.

Thanks to the Steering Committee

The following people served on the steering committee:

  • Lindsay Callaway (EFC)
  • Alana Walker Carpenter (Intriciti)
  • Ellen Duffield (Briercrest)
  • Alyssa Esparaz (Compassion Canada)
  • Joanna la Fleur (Word Made Digital)
  • Margaret Gibb (Women Together)
  • Joel Gordon (EFC)
  • Jennifer Lau (Canadian Baptist Ministries)
  • Stacey McKenzie (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada)
  • Cathie Ostapchuk (Gather Women)
  • Bonnie Pue (The Union Movement)
  • Ilana Reimer (EFC)
  • Ruth Thorogood (World Evangelical Alliance, Women’s Commission)
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