
EFC Update Newsletter September 10

10 September 2024

EFC sends brief to UN committee

The EFC has written a brief outlining the negative impact of Canada’s euthanasia laws on women, particularly women with disabilities, and the connection between human trafficking and prostitution. This brief to the UN is part of a review of Canada’s commitment to eliminate discrimination against women. The EFC urges Canada to repeal the law allowing euthanasia for mental illness, to establish a permanent national anti-trafficking strategy and to uphold Canada’s prostitution laws. Read the EFC’s submission here

EFC urges protection for kids online 

Canadian kids and youth are exposed to violent and explicit content online, without the protection of age restrictions that exist offline. Canada’s Privacy Commissioner believes that it is possible to design and use age assurance in a way that protects privacy. The EFC is sending a submission today to the Privacy Commissioner in support of age assurance technologies to protect kids online. Read the EFC’s most recent blog on protecting kids online. 

Youth ministry workers needed for social media study 

How does social media affect youth faith formation, and how do youth ministry workers use it in their ministries? The EFC and its partners are tackling these questions in the new #influencing_faith_study. If you're a paid or volunteer youth ministry worker and you'd be open to an interview, please take our 5-minute screener survey in English or French.

Still time to register for Christian communications conference 

If you are a Christian working in communications, it’s not too late to register for a Canadian Christian Communicators Association event called Meet in the Middle taking place Sept. 26-28 in Winnipeg. Faith Today editor Bill Fledderus is one of the organizers, and Faith Today editor Karen Stiller will be speaking.  Check out the workshops and sign up now.

EFC senior ambassador at interfaith, Catholic events

EFC Senior Ambassador Bruce J. Clemenger will be a keynote speaker in Lethbridge on Sept. 21 at the Freedom of Religion or Belief Symposium. He will speak on “Religious Freedom and the Challenge of State Neutrality." Registration is open to the public.   Clemenger will also attend the CCCB (Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops) Plenary Assembly in Quebec City Sept. 23-24.

EFC researchers discussing Parenting Faith research 

EFC Director of Research Rick Hiemstra and researcher Lindsay Callaway will be speaking on Sept. 18 about the Parenting Faith research at an online meeting of the Wesleyan Church in Canada.

EFC prayer ambassador speaking at pastors’ national retreat 

EFC prayer ambassador Roger Helland will be the keynote speaker at the Christian Minister’s Association National Conference in Kamloops, B.C., which takes place Sept. 23-25. He will speak on Presence-centred Leadership and Prayer.  

Does forgiveness perpetuate injustice? 

Does forgiveness negate justice? EFC President David Guretzki reminds us repentance is a condition of God’s promise of forgiveness: “Love and prayer that the enemies of God would come to repentance (Romans 2:4) is the Christian response to unrepentant evil, not unilateral forgiveness.” 

Read Guretzki’s full column and others in the Sep/Oct Faith Today, the EFC’s free bimonthly print magazine. Sign up now to subscribe.

Coming Events at

→ The Kingdom or Chaos Seminar (YWAM/Don Stephens), Winnipeg, Sept. 12-15   
→ Souly Business Canada Conference, Godfrey, Ont., Sept. 13   
→ Journey to Us Marriage Conference (FOTFC), Calgary, Sept. 14   
→ Bridges: Christians Connecting with Muslims Course (LMT), online, Saturdays starting Sept. 14   
→ Gender, Sexuality & Christian Ethics (Salvation Army Ethics Centre), online, Mondays starting Sept. 16   
→ Workplace Culture and Leadership Best Practices (Kentro Network), online, Sept. 17   
→ Ignite Prayer Canada, Grand Opening, online, Sept. 19   
→ Canadian Christian Prisoner Ministry Conference (North American Missions), Calgary, Sept. 20-21 
→ Freedom of Religion or Belief Symposium (Bruce Clemenger/Steve Collis/Andrew Bennett), Lethbridge, Sept. 21  
→ A Rocha Oasis Day Retreat (A Rocha Canada), Surrey, Sept. 25  
→ Listen, Reflect, Reconcile: Jonathan Maracle and the Broken Walls Band live in concert, Niverville, Sept. 27 
→ Catch the Fire Conference 2024, Toronto, Sept. 26-28  
→ Christian Communicators Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Sept. 26-28  
→ A Flame Imperishable: The Christian Legacy of J.R.R. Tolkien (Redeemer), Ancaster,  Sept. 27-28  
→ Safe Spaces for Your Church (Agora Network Ministries), Welland, Sept. 28