
EFC Update Newsletter February 6

06 February 2024

Pray for senators to agree to delay MAiD 

The government has introduced a bill to delay MAiD for mental illness until March 2027. The current law allowing MAID for mental illness will take effect on March 17, 2024. For there to be a delay, the bill will have to pass in both the House of Commons and the Senate. Please encourage your MP to support Bill C-62 and pray especially for senators to be willing to delay MAiD for mental illness.   

EFC president in Saskatchewan 

EFC President David Guretzki will be in Saskatchewan this week for "What’s It Going to Take?" – a special presentation for local Christians discussing how ordinary Christians can engage with our culture and impact the Church in Canada. Join us on Feb. 6 at Celebration Church in Regina or Feb. 8 at Elim Church in Saskatoon, both at 7 p.m. Admission is free! 

Dr. Guretzki will also address two pastor gatherings at these churches, exploring topics such as MAiD, the church's prophetic vision for 2033, and collaborative strategies for city illumination. 

 He will also be at Prince Albert Alliance Church presenting a MAiD workshop Feb. 11 and preaching on prayer Feb. 12.

EFC makes submission on reducing anti-women violence  

In a new submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, the EFC points out that prostitution preys on vulnerabilities and is inextricably linked to sex trafficking and pornography. The majority of victims in prostitution-related crimes in Canada are young women, many from at-risk groups including Indigenous youth and youth in foster care. The EFC’s brief pointed out that Canada’s current law against buying sexual services addresses violence in prostitution. The brief recommends Canada maintain the law, raise awareness about the law and provide funding for exit services. 

Leaders invited to take evangelism survey 

The Flourishing Congregations Institute and Alpha Canada are conducting an online evangelism survey exploring the attitudes, behaviours and experiences of local congregations. If you’re leading in a paid or voluntary leadership position at a local church, the researchers would love to hear from you. Click here to take the survey. 

One year of Life Together 

We’re celebrating the one-year anniversary of Life Together, the EFC’s free booklet on disability and belonging in the church. Available in print or as a pdf at, it has interviews, tips and reflection questions for individuals, small groups or congregations to help us live more fully as the Body of Christ together. Aussi disponible en français.  

Audio podcast: Singleness in the Church 

B.C. author, facilitator and counsellor Karissa Sovdi wrote a recent Faith Today article exploring singleness in the Church. In this podcast, she is joined by Calgary's Barry Danyluk, executive director of SEE Global, a ministry that equips the Church on issues related to singleness. Listen to Faith Today editor Karen Stiller speak with them in a wide-ranging conversation about singleness and sexuality.  

Video podcast: Author-publisher on our soul’s longings  

Jeff Crosby is a publishing executive and author of The Language of the Soul: Meeting God in the Longings of our Heart. He joined host Karen Stiller to talk about spiritual reading and books in a recent podcast. Watch their conversation in our third full-length podcast video.  

Video of “Families of Faith” presentation available   

The video link to the Jan. 25 presentation by EFC researcher Lindsay Callaway on Parenting Faith, the research study by the EFC and partners, is now available. The presentation covered key themes in parenting approaches and the role local churches play or don’t play in family faith life.   

Study on how religious groups fared during Covid   

Were you engaged in ministry during Covid? Pastors and other local church ministry leaders are invited to participate in RECOV-19, a University of Montreal research study on religious groups’ experiences during Covid. The study’s findings will be informative for both Canadian evangelical leaders and public health decisionmakers. Click here to take the 15- to 20-minute survey.     

Coming Events at

→ Traditional African Medicine–Nothing But Voodoo? (Morẹ́nikẹ́ Ọláòṣebìkan/The King’s University), Edmonton, Feb. 6   → The Bible as a Tool for Changing Culture (Christopher Watkin/UBC Graduate & Faculty Christian Forum), online, Feb. 7    → Calvin Symposium on Worship (CIW), online/Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 7-9    → Youth Worker Conference (YWC), Calgary Feb. 9-10     → Embassy: Building organic friendships with Muslims online (LMT), online, Feb. 10   → Marriage Enrichment Retreat (FOTF), Kelowna, Feb. 9-11    → Communication Workers Watercooler Break (CCCA), online, Feb. 9    → Marriage Enrichment Conference (FOTF), Brandon, Feb. 10; Surrey, Feb. 17  → Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing (Kentro Christian Network), online, Feb. 14   → Mission Fest Vancouver (Mission Central), Vancouver, Feb. 15-17   → Discern: Recognizing God’s Presence (The Commons Network), online, Feb. 15  → Redemptive Venture Builder course (Tyndale University), Toronto, each Thurs, Feb. 15–Mar. 20  → God & Sex: Gospel Conversations on Gender, Identity & Sexuality (Willingdon Church), Burnaby, Feb. 17-18  → Marriage Enrichment Conference (Enrich Your Marriage), Surrey, Feb. 17  → Refugees, the Housing Crisis and Hosting: How You Can Get Involved (Welcome Church/TPC), online, Feb. 17  → Advance Evangelists Summit (Message Canada), Calgary, Feb. 20-21   → PowerUp Gospel (TMC), Toronto, Feb. 21-25   → Pastors Prayer Forum (BGEA), online, Feb. 21   → Intercultural Leadership: Lausanne Canada, online, 6 Wed’s starting Feb. 21   → Tyndale Intercultural Leadership Conference (Tyndale), North York, Feb. 22   → TrueCity Conference, Hamilton, Feb. 23-24   → Christ-centred Interpretation and Application of Scripture (Wycliffe/Bryan Chapell), Toronto, Feb. 24   → Coldest Night of the Year Fundraising Walk (CNOY), nationwide, Feb. 24   → Go 2024 Missions Conference (CNBC West Coast/Int’l Mission Board/Send Network), Richmond, Feb. 24   → Today’s Teens (YWC), Brampton, Feb. 24  → Bridges: Christians Connecting With Muslims (LMT), online, 6 Sat.’s from Feb. 24