EFC President Being Treated for Covid-19
EFC president Bruce J. Clemenger is currently in the hospital being treated for Covid-19. His condition remains serious but stable at this time. The Clemenger family has expressed deep gratitude for the outpouring of prayer and support they have experienced since Bruce’s hospitalization, which occurred just before the new year. The EFC has set up a webpage to provide ongoing updates and prayer requests about his condition as we receive them from his family. “It is true what so many have said, that we are in this together. It is our privilege and our comfort that we can also be in prayer together,” says Bill Fietje, chair of the EFC board of directors.
New Year Message from the EFC’s David Guretzki
“When we entered 2020 most of us had sketches of a script we hoped would be played out in the year. However, that script was radically altered, at best, or irrevocably run through the shredder at worst. Now as we enter 2021, we do so much more cautiously, with grief and pain accompanying us more this year than perhaps any other year in memory.
“We’ve learned more about how to wait well. We’ve learned to dig deep and therefore find new depths within ourselves and certainly within our teams. And hopefully, we’ve learned to cast ourselves more deeply upon the provision and guidance of our Great Physician and Redeemer, Jesus our Lord.” Read the full New Year’s message from the EFC’s vice-president and resident theologian.
Read About the EFC’s Work in Ottawa
The latest issue of Canada Watch is now online, the EFC’s bimonthly report on the latest in various court cases, interventions, research and other initiatives. Read the full version here.
New Issue of Faith Today Explores Spiritual Growth and Mental Health
“Spiritual growth in a pandemic” is the cover story for the Jan/Feb 2021 issue of Faith Today: Canada’s Christian magazine. You can read it now online. Look out for further articles from the Jan/Feb Faith Today, coming soon at FaithToday.ca.
In addition to the online version, you can sign up for a free print subscription to the unique Canadian Christian journalism of Faith Today at FaithToday.ca/SubscribeFree, financially supported by advertising revenue and charitable donations. You can donate at TheEFC.ca/FTDonate. Thank you for enabling this important ministry!
→ Becoming a Better Dad—Facebook Group (Impactus), online, Jan. 6-17
→ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, worldwide, Jan. 18-25
→ EFC Prayer: Denomination Affiliates, online, Jan. 13, 11:00am – 12:00pm (ET)
→ Human Sexuality & Christian Ethics (Salvation Army), online, Jan. 18-March 22
→ Racism, Poverty and Hope (Wycliffe College), online, Jan. 19
→ Men’s Ministry Leadership Training 101/102 (Impactus), online, Jan. 19/20
→ Growing in Transparency & Intimacy in Your Marriage (Impactus), online, Jan. 20
→ Ending Poverty Together Workshop (FFTH), online, Jan. 20
→ EFC Prayer: Canadian Church Unity, online, Jan. 25, 11:00am – 12:30pm (ET)
→ Rencontre au sommet, Granby, Que., Jan. 25–27
→ Stress, Anxiety and Depression Group (Impactus), online Jan. 26–Feb. 16
→ Building Authentic Friendships (Impactus), online Jan. 29
→ Managing Your Anger (Impactus), online Jan. 30
→ Serve/Grow (Mission Central), online Jan. 29–31
→ Navigating and Implementing Organizational Change (Wycliffe College), online Feb. 9
→ Dealing with Anger, Irritation and Bitterness Group (Impactus), online Feb. 9–Mar. 2
→ PowerUp Gospel Music Workshop (Tor. Mass Choir), online Feb. 11–13, 17-20
→ Becoming a Better Husband Group (Impactus), online Feb. 16–Mar. 9
→ EFC Prayer: Academic Institution Affiliates, online, Feb. 17, 11:00am – 12:00pm (ET)
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