New Assisted Dying Bill Introduced Yesterday
A bill that proposes changes to the medical assistance in dying laws was introduced by the Justice Minister yesterday. Bill C-7 would make assisted death available to people who are not at the end of life. It also proposes removing some key safeguards for people who are at the end of life, such as the 10-day waiting period and the requirement that a person be able to consent at the time MAID is provided. The bill specifically does not allow mental illness by itself to make someone eligible for assisted death. More information and analysis to com at
How Common Beliefs Fuel Assisted Death
EFC President Bruce Clemenger has reflected on how gnostic ideas are influencing the current trend towards expanding assisted suicide. In the gnostic view, as Clemenger explains, “matter and our bodies are at best things we can use to seek the immaterial, merely a means to an end...In response Christians need to re-emphasize the goodness of human bodies while also pointing to each person’s spiritual significance and worth before God. Our bodies and souls are not our own.” Read the full column here.
New Podcast: When We’re Too Proud to Admit Our Pride
The EFC's resident theologian David Guretzki joins the EFC podcast to share a recent and humbling brush with pride.
Share Your Stories of Hospitality
"How do you live out your faith through hospitality?" Faith Today, Canada's Christian magazine, will be exploring the topic of hospitality in an upcoming issue and we'd love to hear from you about the role of hospitality in your life. Our writer is eager to hear your stories, and potentially share them to equip and inspire others. Contact us at
Seize the Day
One of Carolyn Arends’ first songs was “Seize the Day.” She reflects on how we are all called to “seize the day,” often in quiet, unremarkable ways. “I think it’s time to add a verse about the woman who aspires to a life characterized by a long micro-obedience…A life of unseen, unspectacular faithfulness.”
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→ Interchurch Families: Uniting the Church through Love, Guelph, Feb. 27
→ A Day with Shane Claiborne, Toronto, Feb. 29
→ Becoming a Faith-Based Workplace, Mississauga, Feb. 29
→ IMPACT National Men’s Conference, Ottawa, Feb. 29; Winnipeg, Mar. 6-7; Edmonton, Mar. 21; Regina, Mar. 21; Windsor, Mar. 28
→ WEA webinar on Artificial Intelligence, online, Mar. 6
→ Apologetics Canada Conference, Abbotsford, Mar. 6-7
→ Canadian Youth Workers Conference, Calgary, Mar. 6-7
→ WICC World Day of Prayer, worldwide, Mar. 6
→ Mental Health and the Church, Hamilton, Mar. 7
→ International Women’s Day, Hamilton, Mar. 8
→ EFC Speaker in Ottawa, Mar. 10
→ Biblical Theology of Suffering and Hope, Calgary, Mar. 11
→ Canadian Youth Workers Conference, Grande Prairie, Mar. 13-14
→ Theology and Non-theologians, Vancouver, Mar. 13-14
→ EFC Speaker in Melfort, Sask., Mar. 15
→ Four Gospels Many Resurrections, Langley, Mar. 20-21
→ EFC Speaker in Red Deer, Mar. 22
→ Night with the Persecuted Church, Mar. 25 (Moncton), Mar. 26 (Fredericton)
→ Ministry Leadership Day, Cambridge, Mar. 26
→ Together Giving Voice: Trafficked & Persecuted, Mississauga, Mar. 26
In Case You Missed It
→ 2020 Canada Summer Jobs analysis
→ When We’re Too Proud to Admit Our Pride (Faith Today column)
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