
The EFC strengthens three centres

01 August 2022
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Every now and then we all reorganize ourselves for a fresh perspective. The EFC has done that recently, with a slight reorganization into three more clearly defined centres for ministry. These centres will help us do our work well and communicate about that work even more effectively. We hope clearly defining these centres will also help our donors and friends understand even more the work they help make possible with their generous support. Here’s a brief explanation of each centre, with just one example of recent work they have done.

The EFC Centre for Faith and Public Life in Ottawa is strategically located near Parliament Hill, as you know. Our experienced and widely respected staff there identify, build and maintain strategic relationships with MPs, senators and other government officials. We interact on the issues of the day and make submissions (such as research, position papers and briefings) for the consideration of those in power.

This centre also works to educate, equip and encourage Evangelicals to contact their elected officials to express their concerns clearly and effectively on the crucial issues of the day. When you receive an invitation to send in a postcard or contact an MP about an issue, it usually comes from the small team at this centre.

Through this centre, and with your help, we advocate for laws and policies that: respect the sanctity of all human life; strengthen protections for those who are abused, exploited and oppressed; promote the well-being of families and communities; and respect religious freedoms. Think of: The EFC’s recent work on medical assistance in dying.

The Centre for Ministry Partnership and Innovation is the newest EFC centre and was established to encourage collaboration between individuals, churches, denominations and ministry organizations who work in similar areas of ministry. The goal is to advance the gospel together and partner for effective ministry to meet the needs of young and old in our communities and our nation.

This centre exists to listen, convene and facilitate innovation in ministry. It provides valuable training and equipping resources in areas such as family discipleship, abuse prevention, anti-racism, and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Think of: Welcome Church, a free course to help Canadian churches better welcome newcomers to Canada.

The Centre for Research on Church and Faith conducts vital research to understand the changing contexts in churches and society. We know demographic, cultural and technological megatrends are rapidly reshaping our ministry landscape. Understanding Canadian church and faith trends helps us better explain who we are as the Church and helps us understand our place in the broader culture. With a fuller understanding, we can make better ministry decisions.

Members of evangelical and other Christian traditions alike are eager to participate in our projects because they are confident we conduct research with humility, respect, integrity, thoroughness and impartiality. It’s also actionable, relevant and Canadian. Think of: Family Faith Formation, a current research project to understand parent and church roles in the discipleship of their children.

While not a centre, the EFC’s communication and public relations team works to share the work, accomplishments, needs and offerings of the three centres through traditional and digital channels. Our flagship publications Faith Today and Love Is Moving are both award-winning magazines that tell the stories of evangelical ministries and leaders, and profile the challenges and opportunities for ministry in Canada. Our two podcasts, the Faith Today Podcast and the newer Faith Trends Podcast, further Canada’s Christian conversation and help resource the Church.

The EFC’s communications team is small but effective, and critical to informing the Church and broader public about the work of the centres and communicating who we are and what we do to a variety of audiences. Social media, podcasts, videos and digital interactions across multiple platforms are essential to reaching a multi-generation audience, and our team is always considering how best to do that important work.

How you can help

  • Please pray for the three EFC centres and their work
  • Consider additional ways of supporting this work at

Also in this issue

Message from the President Bruce J. Clemenger, The EFC launches Creative Collective and EFC donors help with Ukraine efforts.