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The EFC has published a variety of resources to equip Christians to reflect on and be equipped for responsible, Christ-honouring civic engagement. To point friends to this webpage, use:

Federal Election Resources

Voting is one way Christians contribute to society and the public good. When we vote we recognize the profound influence politics has on the lives of all Canadians.

Public policy impacts our lives, influences the way we interact with one another, and helps shape the care and protection offered to our neighbours.

Feel free to reproduce and distribute copies of the following resources in your group or church. To point friends to this webpage, use:
  • VIDEO: What churches can and cannot do during elections (2 minutes). How can churches be active during an election and still follow the rules that guide non-partisan participation? A short (and fun) answer from the EFC.
  • HOW TO HOST AN ALL-CANDIDATES MEETING: Three key pages from our 2021 kit (a new 2025 kit is now being prepared).
  • KIT: Election Engagement Kit 2021. This free 13-page downloadable PDF includes:
    • Up-to-date election questions [from 2021] for candidates. A list of 15 key issues for Christians along with suggested questions to ask people running for office.
    • Guide to holding an all-candidates meeting (3-page section available on its own as well)
    • What churches can and cannot do during elections
    • Call to prayer
  • BROCHURE IN ENGLISH, FRENCH OR CHINESE: One-page brochure Federal Election: Faith, Voting and Political Engagement. Download and print off copies of this non-partisan brochure to encourage your faith community. Includes quick tips on interacting with candidates, biblical rationale for voting, how churches can get involved without crossing Canada Revenue Agency guidelines and more.
  • SLIDES: Election slides made in 2021 for social media and/or group presentations. You can choose to download the full package of 18 slides or just a slide on a single issue, for example elder care or refugees.
  • RECORDED WEBINAR: What Churches Can and Cannot Do During a Federal Election. A 45-minute discussion from the 2019 election. Our expert guests were Deina Warren, legal counsel for the Canadian Council of Christian Charities, and Julia Beazley, director of public policy for the EFC. (June 19, 2019)
  • ARTICLE IN CHINESE OR ENGLISH: Seeking Election Wisdom. One-page article by David Guretzki, the EFC's resident theologian and executive vice-president, published in Faith Today in 2019.
  • Check out related civic engagement resources.

Ressources pour les élections fédérales

Le vote est un moyen par lequel les chrétiens contribuent à la société et au bien public. En votant, nous reconnaissons l’influence profonde de la politique sur la vie de tous les Canadiens.

Les politiques publiques ont une incidence sur nos vies, sur la façon dont nous interagissons entre nous et contribuent à façonner les soins et la protection offerts à nos voisins.

N'hésitez pas à reproduire et à distribuer des copies des ressources suivantes dans votre groupe ou votre église. Pour diriger les amis vers cette page Web, utilisez: Les ressources ci-dessous ont été préparées pour les élections de 2019. Nous publierons les versions mises à jour pour 2021 lorsqu'elles seront prêtes.
The images below can be used freely without additional permission. Click a slide to preview it in your browser, or click the first option to download them all in one batch.