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Columbia Bible College

Columbia Bible College seeks to equip people for a life of DISCIPLESHIP, MINISTRY, and LEADERSHIP in service to the church and community.

Type of affiliate: Educational Institutions

Acadia Divinity College

The mission of Acadia Divinity College is to equip Christians to serve the mission of God in church and world with transformative impact.

Type of affiliate: Educational Institutions

Emmanuel Bible College

Rooted in the Bible, Prepared for Ministry. Whether it's building a foundation for professional life or equipping for ministry in a Christian context, Emmanuel Bible College empowers students to live radically for Jesus.

Type of affiliate: Educational Institutions

Eston College

Eston College is an Evangelical, Pentecostal community whose mission is to develop disciples of Christ — faithful men & women educated in the wisdom of the Bible who walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit and who extend God’s grace by serving as His ambassadors in the home, church, and marketplace.

Type of affiliate: Educational Institutions

McMaster Divinity College

We provide training that creates flexible and responsive graduates ready to serve wherever and however God calls them. Ministry in the twenty-first century—whether one serves in pastoral ministry, chaplaincy, religious education, as a scholar-teacher, or in any other number of areas—has become and will continue to be increasingly complex and diverse, requiring those answering the call of God to have the best preparation possible.

Type of affiliate: Educational Institutions